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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Anyone who cares should read this...

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Here's my question. What in the hell has happened to this forum? It used to be a place where I could go to read informative discussions on useful topics, posted by intelligent people. Honestly, I am amazed at how quickly the level of maturity has dropped around here. We're like little fucking kids! And where were all these "loyal" users 3 months ago when intelligent conversation was taking place? Now that Atomix has fallen behind on an update, all these "loyal" users (a.k.a. ranters with too much time on their hands) have come out of the woodwork and flooded this forum with useless dribble and crap. I applaud Yan-X for at least making an attempt, albeit a futile one, at keeping this forum half-way useful! It's a shame that if I were to post a message regarding a feature in 1.12, chances are it would be bumped down the list and lost in the crap within an hour. Did anyone even see my post about how to share our music? Probably not. So I ask all of you, if what you have to say has anything to do with the beta, release, or functions of v1.2, keep it to yourself. We have all heard enough, and it's pretty obvious Atomix isn't ready say anything yet. There....there's my two cents...now all you ranters and insulters can have a field-day with me...geez....

Posted Thu 06 Sep 01 @ 3:50 am
Yes, I think that all people who understand the job of the moderators, who make their best to solve our problems, to share their news.... have to say that we do not need lamers. We are fed up with those who don't have interesting conversations, who just want to make troubles. Every body wants the release, but it isn't a reason to have such a bad behaviour! In fact we have to say STOP, we do not want lamers anymore here : it is a useful forum, not a playground.


PS Hopefully, the french forum is a great site where frendly people can have interesting conversations....

How come this hasn't been deleted yet? I't's biased towards Atomix Teamers, that's why...Right, I have to kiss arse and agree with all the wrongs in this company if my messages are too stay, can't talk about my wasted money on a program that fails to deliver or even tell its customers whats going on......superb.

No, if you´ve understand the above message, you´ll see, that "normal" users only want to share informations, discuss problems and talk to each other. But ALL THIS WITH RESPECT!!

I think we should open a new, unmoderated forum called "Blamers" where you can talk about the colur of what you´re producing at the morning when you´re alone.

I agree with them, that the real problems sink within an hour because of the blaming posts.

And, once again, I agree with all of you, that it was a fault to post a nearly release date of the new version and not to bring it out, BUT if you read the last 100 messages, you´ll see, that in at least 10% of them a release date is asked. So if we would tell you another one and it can´t be done until then, you´ll shout out again and call us liars. And if we don´t post a date, you also call us liars and incompetent.

So, if you don´t like AtomixMP3 and feel better with a piece of software that costs you $250 and you get an upgrade with one or two new features every half year, tell me please, why aren´t you posting some messages in their forum??

I really hope, that at least some of you understand and support the meanwhile real hard job of the team and bring this forum back to what it was before!


You can't give us another release date as you are so incompetent you do not think you will be able to meet that deadline. How pathetic. How can a business run when it has no timetable or schedule.

Unbelievable, absolutely truly unbelievable. A company trying to inspire confidence in its program by telling us it can't announce anything as it doesn't trust itself enough to get the product finished by a certain date.

I'm sure lots and lots of people are jamming up the internet right now buying atomix. Especially since they are so sure that they'll get a new version "soon".

Jesus H Christ. I am incredulous.

Have you ever programmed something ? You don't seem to know what you are talking about. Coding isn't really reliable from a time point of vue. Even less when you want to make a STABLE software (know Microsoft?)

Don't know what I'm talking about, do I? You seem to be able to gain a lot of knowledge about someone from a simple post. You really are amazing.

Other companies seem able to give release dates, even ones that release stable software. You could have at least released the Beta, under an agreement of "it will contain bugs and should not be used for live sets". People just want something to use at home for the time being. Atomix 1.12 is lacking.

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