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Topic: This might seem far-fetched....

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But how about a date for the release of V.1.2? You are into the beta tests now so surely it would be possible to put together a date for release.

I know we are only lowly customers but why not throw us a few crumbs so that we can feed our starving curiosity?

Posted Mon 09 Jul 01 @ 8:40 pm

I think the reason why we don't get as much information on this new version as we would like to , is that there are a lot of software companies that sell the same kind of product as Atomix (not as good actually). Therefore it's important to keep the new features secret, so that these other companies don't get aware of the danger they are facing and don't react as quickly as they should.

This way Atomixmp3 can become the best mixing software without too many difficulties.

Business is business :)

We should all agree that whatever the new version offers it will only add on to an already great program. As I said in a previous post, Atomix' strength is to be found in those "vital few" functions (working extremely well) without cluttering the user interface with things which look nice on the spec sheet but are useless when it comes to using them (have a look at all those programs which pretend to offer scratching capability - don't make me laugh!).

Following the comments of other people in this forum, the question is (for people with an external mixer, I agree) that the functions which would fundamentally add on to the deejaying experience (other than in a bedroom) are limited. Hence I've somehow lost the urge to get grips on that new version (although I recognize I've been whining myself on getting that new version delivered at several occasions).
Wherever I show up with the current version, I know I can bring the floor to its knees with what Atomix has to offer today.

Having seperate keyboard shortcuts in that new version will already make me a very satisfied user. That would allow me to build that external controller I've been dreaming of.

Looping would be nice. But then again, that's for lazy people which don't know what part is coming in the song they're playing ;-)

And for genuine bedroom use, storing mixes as control files (such that you can change them afterwards if something went wrong) instead of recording them as WAV would not be a luxury neither.

Patiently waiting,

DJ Corpse

Yeah, I will wait, but I'm not looking forward to the price hike for new users which I have been told by a good source that it going to be double the price. $160, thats big bucks in my currency mate. Big bucks!

Patient, but worried!

I don't understand why you are so worried. If you are anxious about the price of version 1.2, and I am sure there is no need to, just buy the current version. You'll have 1.2 for free !

That's understandable considering "regular" commerce practices.

If "out there" crappy programs succeed in being sold for more than 160$, and you sell yours for far less. What would you do ?

If I'm not mistaken, it's not the first time prices change. More value, more money.

DJ Corpse

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