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Topic: Licensing & purchasing needs clarfication for customizable software & hardware.
2ificControlleristMember since 2023
Short version.

I'm working on a guide & skin with Virtual Dj for the tape loop community & I anticipate many complaints & confusion as to what license is required for user defined midi control.

Please clarify what license is required for user defined midi control or customisable devices.As anyone can mock up a controller to replicate keyboard control for free which is unfair.

Staff are welcome to message me.


Dj's are evolving into producers & dj software is part of many studio workflows.Physical hardware & controllers are not flexible to accommodate all the innovative ideas , workflows & skins.

Users are destined to integrate touch screen software or customisable hardware as they grow..


A qwerty keyboard can be used to operate dj software. But software or customizable hardware can easily be customised to mimic a keyboard but resemble a pad controller.

Many of the touch screen apps are inexpensive & can combine & convert OSC (open sound control) midi & qwerty keyboard macros. They also have essential features like

Bi-drectional midi
A channel fader can be automated to revert back to it's original position.
Midi pickup or takeover.

Pricing licensing & usage for user defined midi or stream deck type tools etc needs clarification as this will influence what software is chosen.


Posted 7 days ago @ 1:14 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
User-defined controller definitions require a Pro license

Posted 7 days ago @ 1:32 pm
2ificControlleristMember since 2023
Re: Midi
I understand why midi is restricted as a user can freely assign their controls. But the restrictions , exclusivity & pricing is very high in comparison to your competitors.

Some context.

I purchased a Hercules motorised controller which came with two brands of software.A virtual dj pro upgrade to access midi (which is over 40 years old ) cost 3 times as much as upgrading a license.

It will be difficult to showcase innovative uses & attract users. When the version with midi costs more than rival dj software.Or entry level Daws. Eg Cubase elements , Reaper , Studio One Artist etc which it can complement.

I hope you can evaluate.

Final question.

Is it ok for a user with plus Controller license to use touch screen software which can simulate a qwerty keyboard as indicated in my previous post?

Ive been using digital media since 2003 with OtsLab OtsTurntables then Mix vibes
I had a Ion I cue , Numark Total control & Virtual Dj Le version in 2007. I encourage everyone to invest in their Artistry & tools but I think there's an imbalance of features & pricing. Eg Stem separation is free but midi is restricted to the top tier.

Posted 7 days ago @ 5:15 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
No problem using a touch screen.
The only limitation of the free and controller/plus licenses is that they are not for professional use.
So if you earn money using VirtualDJ, you need the Pro license no matter which way you control it.

Posted 7 days ago @ 5:47 pm
PhilWPRO InfinityMember since 2011
2ific wrote :
Re: Midi
I understand why midi is restricted as a user can freely assign their controls. But the restrictions , exclusivity & pricing is very high in comparison to your competitors.

Some context.

I purchased a Hercules motorised controller which came with two brands of software.A virtual dj pro upgrade to access midi (which is over 40 years old ) cost 3 times as much as upgrading a license.

It will be difficult to showcase innovative uses & attract users. When the version with midi costs more than rival dj software.Or entry level Daws. Eg Cubase elements , Reaper , Studio One Artist etc which it can complement.

I hope you can evaluate.

Final question.

Is it ok for a user with plus Controller license to use touch screen software which can simulate a qwerty keyboard as indicated in my previous post?

Ive been using digital media since 2003 with OtsLab OtsTurntables then Mix vibes
I had a Ion I cue , Numark Total control & Virtual Dj Le version in 2007. I encourage everyone to invest in their Artistry & tools but I think there's an imbalance of features & pricing. Eg Stem separation is free but midi is restricted to the top tier.

I disagree. I think it’s amazing that so many features are available at the free tier (for non-professional use). Virtual DJ still offers one and done pricing which is affordable. It’s a performance product first and the fact that it has other uses is a benefit.

Posted 7 days ago @ 8:45 pm
2ificControlleristMember since 2023
PhilW wrote :
[quote=2ific]Re: Midi

I disagree. I think it’s amazing that so many features are available at the free tier (for non-professional use). Virtual DJ still offers one and done pricing which is affordable. It’s a performance product first and the fact that it has other uses is a benefit.


I have a plus Controller license however I never use the controller or log in. Atomix have my support.
because of a feature you can find in my post history.

I have other options as indicated in my previous post. But I would rather pay more for midi but not at the maximum price. Someone can purchase two complete versions of rival software & still have change left over. Midi is all in & nothing in between.

I was a member here in 2007 & anticipated this. I'm not going to participate any further as everything has been clarified.

Mods are welcome to lock or delete the topic.

Posted 7 days ago @ 9:59 pm
It's your choice. If the price doesn't seem value for your needs then use something else.

Posted 7 days ago @ 10:19 pm