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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Where does VDJ stores skin settings?
Hi, does anybody knows where does VDJ stores the settings for the skins? I have been using a skin called: V8 but by Fruit for some time now, and it was all good until couple of days ago the view of the waveform under the tracks became corrupted (bottom half of it turned black). I tried to uninstall the skin and then install it back, but the process just keeps the old settings intact. So how can I delete a specific skins settings? or reset that skin to default state?

Posted Sun 02 Jun 24 @ 4:28 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Most skinners use variables to manage skin status, if you change to a default skin search options for

delete everything there that should clear up the skin when you go back to it.

Posted Sun 02 Jun 24 @ 5:11 am
Thanks LOCODOG for the fast reply,
when I delete everything in: vdjScriptGlobalVariables, will it mess up the library and all other settings in VDJ?

Posted Sun 02 Jun 24 @ 5:40 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Won't effect the library at all,
it could effect some things [some 3rd party padpages/skins, you might have them you might not]
if you're really nervous, just use the restore from backup feature from before your skin messed up.

Posted Sun 02 Jun 24 @ 6:16 am
Thank you very much LOCODOG, your suggestion worked.

Posted Sat 22 Jun 24 @ 5:35 am