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Topic: Clouddrive Restrictions? - Page: 1
djsh69PRO InfinityMember since 2018
From the FAQ:

Q) In OneDrive or Dropbox, I see all the files in the VirtualDJ/ or app/VirtualDJ/ folders, but they are all at the root not following the folder structure.
A) that's on purpose. VirtualDJ treats the storage provider as a flat database, and keeps the internal structure of the list separate, so that you can add the same track to several lists without having to reupload each time.

How many files can be saved there?
If you have 10000s of files, I assume that some filesystem might get slow.

In the FAQ you also write that I can Copy the files from cloud back to another computer.
Will then the files also be stored in a single folder, or is the original folder structure recreated?

Posted Mon 01 Apr 24 @ 8:21 pm
We need the folder structure for the cloud.

It’s been a nightmare having my library lumped together 🤦🏾‍♂️

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 12:02 am
We need the folder structure for the cloud.

You are really not supposed to look at it :)
It's actually hidden when the cloud drive supports it

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 9:41 am
So there's no way around it??

I don't want 10,000 tracks all lumped together lol!! I need to know where all my 80's and 90's tracks are at. For me personally if there is no way around it then this serves me no purpose unfortunately...

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 12:55 pm
They're not lumped together on your computer though, which is where you play from. VDJ knows where everything is because DATABASE so if you search for a track, you'll find it.

Personally, I don't want all my files uploaded when I click 'sync to cloud'............because my library is already backed up to the cloud.

I just want the lists synced to the cloud - with all the metadata that's in the local list. Not much point syncing if it doesn't carry the metadata across.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 1:07 pm
I’ve been wondering the same as @groovindj..

I already have my entire DJ collection on iCloud Drive, and I am using the “old skool” cloud sync method of having the ~/Documents/VirtualDJ folder on iCloud Drive as well.

If I now want to try the new CloudLists, will I end up with all my audio files duplicated on the iCloud Drive?

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 2:49 pm

I don't want 10,000 tracks all lumped together lol!! I need to know where all my 80's and 90's tracks are at. For me personally if there is no way around it then this serves me no purpose unfortunately...

Think of it as a backup file. Or a zip file. You don't care where each file is on those. You just care that they appear in the correct place when you bring them back/unzip.
Same thing for CloudDrive

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 2:57 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Niels (cph) wrote :
I already have my entire DJ collection on iCloud Drive, and I am using the “old skool” cloud sync method of having the ~/Documents/VirtualDJ folder on iCloud Drive as well.

If I now want to try the new CloudLists, will I end up with all my audio files duplicated on the iCloud Drive?

Indeed, if you already use the "old school" sync way and have everything in Cloud, there is no need to use the CloudDrive.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 2:57 pm
djdad wrote :
Indeed, if you already use the "old school" sync way and have everything in Cloud, there is no need to use the CloudDrive.

Ok, thanks! 🙏

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 3:04 pm
Isn't the idea of CloudDrive to make things easier, removing the need to set up a system yourself, and integrating things directly into VDJ?

I may have all my music backed up in the cloud, but I'd still like to be able to keep lists in sync, so I can access them from any computer. I'd rather not have to set up some external system, if I can have it built in and just work transparently.

However, it's no good if there's no option to sync without copying the music files, no way of retaining the metadata when syncing a "streaming" playlist, and no way to sync filter folders.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 3:16 pm
klausmogensen wrote :

I don't want 10,000 tracks all lumped together lol!! I need to know where all my 80's and 90's tracks are at. For me personally if there is no way around it then this serves me no purpose unfortunately...

Think of it as a backup file. Or a zip file. You don't care where each file is on those. You just care that they appear in the correct place when you bring them back/unzip.
Same thing for CloudDrive

Nah I totally disagree with this.

Whats the point of having them sync to the cloud if everything is just thrown together?? If I copy my music folder over then it should be the same in the cloud, PERIOD!! Having 10,000 tracks with no metadata of structure of any kind seems pointless to me.

And VDJ isnt the only thing I use.....

I should be able to have VDJ sync all my folders to my dropbox account which it does EXCEPT it doesnt retain the folder structure!

So If my laptop dies at a gig while using anyone of my Denon units, when I open that folder from dropbox on them its literally a list of tracks with no metadata or folder structure!!

Explain how that is useful?!?

You guys are forgetting that this isnt ALL just about VDJ, people do use other programs/systems........

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 3:36 pm
klausmogensen wrote :

I don't want 10,000 tracks all lumped together lol!! I need to know where all my 80's and 90's tracks are at. For me personally if there is no way around it then this serves me no purpose unfortunately...

Think of it as a backup file. Or a zip file. You don't care where each file is on those. You just care that they appear in the correct place when you bring them back/unzip.
Same thing for CloudDrive

Nah I totally disagree with this.

Whats the point of having them sync to the cloud if everything is just thrown together?? If I copy my music folder over then it should be the same in the cloud, PERIOD!! Having 10,000 tracks with no metadata of structure of any kind seems pointless to me.

And VDJ isnt the only thing I use.....

I should be able to have VDJ sync all my folders to my dropbox account which it does EXCEPT it doesnt retain the folder structure!

So If my laptop dies at a gig while using anyone of my Denon units, when I open that folder from dropbox on them its literally a list of tracks with no metadata or folder structure!!

Explain how that is useful?!?

You guys are forgetting that this isnt ALL just about VDJ, people do use other programs/systems........

No, not everything is not about VDJ
But everything about the CloudDrive feature is all about, and only about, VDJ
For other purposes you can use regular cloud syncing and/or cloud backup. There are tons of existing options for that
So I guess I couldn't disagree with you more on this :)

There are lots of other things I wish could be added/ made options for regarding CloudDrive
But how the files are stored on the clouddrive to make VDJ synci'ng as smooth as possible should ONLY be related to how it works best for VDJ sync'ing
Just like the backup format should be based on how it works best with VDJ - not for secondary purposes
And just like the database XML format should be based on how it works best with VDJ - not for secondary purposes

... I guess I made my point :)

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 3:45 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Regarding sorting of your files, if you sync a virtual folder, that structure will be on the cloud drive as well (at least for vdj use), so that's one way you can retain structure.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 3:53 pm
OK now I've discovered something else disappointing...

I often work with streamed music now, creating playlists with various themes that I can use when playing online. Up until this point I've accessed the lists via the streaming provider, which is convenient for access from several places, but not so good when it comes to additional metadata that may get added via VDJ.

With CloudDrive I thought this would solve the problem as if I add metadata now, it will get saved to the cloud and I can see the lovely extra data from another computer. Not so.

After adding extra data to a list (genre, year, key and BPM) I synced to CloudDrive and checked how it looked via the CloudDrive folder (on the same computer). No metadata, only artist and title.

Now I've repeated the process but accessed the list from my other computer. Now there's no data at all, not even artist and title! Just a list of blank spaces.

What use is that?

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 4:00 pm
I think it depends on the cloud storage type
I've used dropbox for my tests, and I get all the things I usually use (title, artist, bpm, key, hot cues and so on)
But I don't think all cloud providers supports all the meta data

EDIT: From the FAQ:
Quote :
Q) Some of my tracks lost their cue points or comment when used on another computer.
A) VirtualDJ stores all the information like title, artist, comment, stars, cue points, etc, in "metadata" associated with the files.
Some providers, like iCloud, or Google Drive, will let us store as much metadata as we want.
Some, like OneDrive, never finished their implementation of metadata, so the amount of metadata we can actually store is very limited.
If the metadata of a file are too big to be stored, VirtualDJ will automatically discard some metadata in order of importance. automatic cues and long comments are the first to go.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 4:04 pm
I'm using Dropbox as well. I would assume that as it's basically a text file being uploaded, the contents of that file should be irrelevant. To the storage drive, it's just a file. If I upload a file with X amount of data, then the cloud file should contain that data.

It seems that lists of local files retain all the metadata, but lists of streamed files don't. The synced list is not the same as the local list.


Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 4:16 pm
klausmogensen you haven't made any points!!

This is the problem with things now an days. You guys will defend companies till the death when they are wrong!!

Adion just said that as long as you sync "VIRTUAL" folders, the structure is left in tact which tells me they definitely have the means to keep my "MUSIC" folder with all its sub folders in tact if that's what I want to sync, but for some reason they don't. And if only "VIRTUAL" folders will keep the folder structure in tact then make so ONLY VIRTUAL folders can be synced. I'm not the only 1 who is disappointed with this.

And the metadata I can live without but the lumping of all the tracks together is pointless.

I don't understand why this is soooo hard for you to understand.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 4:40 pm
You seem to be expecting it to be an exact mirror of your local drive, but that's not the idea.

It's not a backup cloning service. The idea is to keep VDJ lists in sync. The way it's arranged in the cloud is irrelevant, because VDJ knows where everything is.

N.B. I'm not siding with Atomix here (it's not exactly doing what I want either) just explaining the methodology.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 5:06 pm
Yeah I hear what your saying Groovin, guess my point is, if were gonna sync lists/virtual folders then lets only sync lists/virtual folders! Don't give us the option for anything else because it is creating confusion among my group of people who are not active on these forums.

Should probably rename it to, "List/Virtual folder Sync" since that seems to be the main focus of this....

I mean when he says stream from anywhere I was honestly under the impression that once I uploaded from VDJ to my dropbox account that I could then have an exact copy of my libaray to use on my Denon units if I didnt feel like pluggin in my laptop. And by all means it DOES work, just the folder structure is gone.......

Stephane Clavel wrote :
VirtualDJ 2024 is now available.

1) introducing CloudDrive.
Sync your lists and files to the cloud, and retrieve and stream them from anywhere.


Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 6:45 pm
It's a VirtualDJ feature though, not a feature that also works with every other DJ device on the planet.

Denon DJ have their new cloud sync feature too, that stores metadata from playlists in the cloud (their own service), so when other Denon users access that same playlist, the metadata is shared.

It doesn't work with other kit though. It's a Denon system.

I think Pioneer do something similar with Rekordbox. Does it work on other kit? I think not.

Posted Tue 02 Apr 24 @ 7:29 pm