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Topic: Related Tracks Feature is now in Early Release - Page: 4
Hi, I love how VDJ develops. Thank you all! 👍
Since I requested a similar feature some month ago (song cluster) I am happy to see the evolution. But why does it have to be that complicated? I wish I could just mark some songs in the browser/sidelist/automix and link them with a right click option. If you click on one of the tracks you can see the list of others linked with that in the "Linked" tab. If a track has to be added to or deleted from that link-list you just act like you used to in other lists in the sideview (shortcut or right click).
This kind of behaves like a playlist that is instantly shown whenever you chose a track (but is not saved separately). Or do I miss something?

Posted Sun 25 Feb 24 @ 11:46 pm
kradcliffe wrote :
I've not had a chance to test this feature yet, but does it do automatic linking based on history as that's what I imagined it to do?

I am waiting for the same thing.

Posted Mon 26 Feb 24 @ 2:00 pm
Wait no longer.

Your wish is here ! !

Automatic linking based on History has been included, in Linked Tracks since EA build 7903

Quote :
BUILD 7903 (2024-02-14)
-Include recommendations from History in linked tracks folder

current EA 7921

Posted Mon 26 Feb 24 @ 2:37 pm
Had a play about yesterday and noticed the history section contains audio tracks even if they are disabled in browser to show video only.

Not sure if that's by design or not ........

Posted Tue 27 Feb 24 @ 3:47 pm
user18829647 wrote :
This is awesome, great work!!!!

Does linking feel back to front to anyone else. For example if you want Track 1 to be a direct link to Track 2 you currently have to right click on Track 2's Album art and click Link. In my head it makes more sense to right click on the track you want direct linked? Or maybe I'm think of it in the wrong way and someone can help me.

I agree. I think the use of "direct" and "indirect" isn't the clearest or most intuitive. I think it would be great if you could just select either track and select "link before track x" or "link after track x."

Posted Sun 10 Mar 24 @ 3:26 am