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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Sort - Do you wan to sort this list ?
i sort through my lists a lot from bmp to songs, after the update I get this annoying garbage every time. how do I disable this option ?

Posted Sun 03 Dec 23 @ 4:43 am
You're not on the latest update. That was removed recently (7831).

Posted Sun 03 Dec 23 @ 9:40 am
Update VDJ I think?
I haven't tested it myself

The reason it was added was because sorting didn't work with the undo function that was recently introduced, but now I think it's saved so that can be undone - so no need for the warning

Posted Sun 03 Dec 23 @ 9:40 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
There's still some situations where it might pop up with 7831,these will also be fixed in the next update

Posted Sun 03 Dec 23 @ 10:14 am