Am I having a dumb moment here? when designated to <deck deck="default"> my buttons don't appear,
I also tried containing my button placements in
<deck deck="1">
which worked but deck="default" didn't show the correct colours for down/over etc
<define class="buttonNew1" placeholders="text,textaction,textsize=18,weight=normal,textcolor=textoff">
<deck deck="default">
<size width="128" height="72"/>
<off color="buttonoff" shape="square" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<over color="buttonover" shape="square" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<selected color="buttonon" shape="square" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<down color="buttonon" shape="square" border="bordercolor" border_size="1" radius="2"/>
<text fontsize="[TEXTSIZE]" weight="[WEIGHT]" color="[TEXTCOLOR]" colorover="textover" colorselected="texton" colordown="texton" align="center" action="[TEXTACTION]" text="[TEXT]" localize="true" important="true"/>
I also tried containing my button placements in
<deck deck="1">
which worked but deck="default" didn't show the correct colours for down/over etc
Posted Tue 21 Nov 23 @ 10:00 pm
Haven't tried deck=default in skins tbh, but i guess you have properly declared the color shortcuts with deck="default" , right ?
Posted Tue 21 Nov 23 @ 10:16 pm
oh I haven't, I thought it would know.
How would I go about that?, it could be blue, it could be red
How would I go about that?, it could be blue, it could be red
Posted Tue 21 Nov 23 @ 10:43 pm