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Topic: DDJ FLX4 buttons 4-8 section not working properly like in Recordbox
shaq897PRO InfinityMember since 2022
So like the title mentions buttons 4-8 (In, Out, 4 Beat/Exit, Cue/Loop Call < >) do not operate the same as the do in Recordbox which would be how the DDJ FLX4 should operate in Virtual DJ. While in a loop button 6 (4 Beat/Exit) should exit the loop, however it creates a 4 beat loop if not already 4 beat, it should just exit whatever sized loop it is currently in. (Cue/ Loop call) does not skip to different cue points in the track when not playing, instead it is creating loop length adjustment. The In and Out buttons should freeze the movement of the track after a loop has already been created while playing said loop, but in VDJ OUT exits the loop and IN sends you to the start of the loop. Should it be operating like this and if so why did Virtual DJ make these choices? If not how can I fix these to function as they should as this is how the buttons would work when moving over to a pioneer set of decks in a club. Thanks in advanced.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 23 @ 12:04 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
It's just a box of buttons, button is down, button is up, that's all they do. What happens when the button is pressed is decided by the script. Some cases vdj deviates from how other softwares interpret the box of buttons to better suit vdj.
But you can remap it to however you wish.

loop ? loop 0 : loop 4

play ? loop ? loop_double : saved_loop +1 : goto_cue +1
play ? loop ? loop_double : saved_loop -1 : goto_cue -1

user26571578 wrote :
The In and Out buttons should freeze the movement of the track after a loop has already been created while playing said loop

not following here, you want to pause the track?

Posted Thu 14 Sep 23 @ 2:12 am
shaq897PRO InfinityMember since 2022
if you have a loop going and the track is playing in Recordbox pressing IN or OUT kinda changes the view of that loop. It moves it toward the left of center or right of center of the window and takes away the movement of the whole wave file moving across the screen and then bouncing back to the start of the loop file, but it keeps playing the loop.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 23 @ 2:51 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
So a just visual thing, I don't think you can do anything about that, even with skinning.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 23 @ 3:06 am
user26571578 wrote :
...which would be how the DDJ FLX4 should operate in Virtual DJ.

This statement is probably your main mistake
Controllers are just "dumb boxes of buttons" (like DDJT describes it)
It's the DJ software, and the developers who makes it, that decides what happens when a button is pressed
Hopefully that will not be the same in all DJ software. If it was, there would be less reason to choose one software over another

Posted Thu 14 Sep 23 @ 5:08 am
shaq897PRO InfinityMember since 2022
klausmogensen wrote :

Your passive aggressive statement does not help anyone. There is a reason why they create updates for as many individual controllers as they do, so that the controller may operate on how it was designed to work by the original manufacture. What you said is like saying if the play button were to create an 8 bar loop instead of playing the track to suck it up that's how VDJ wants it to work. That is wrong. VDJ offers scripts to make adjustments for changes a user may want. VDJ does offer a lot of functions other software does not have but basic buttons should do what they say. I was asking because the basic function of the keys I mentioned appeared to not be mapped to do what they should be doing. I was trying to verify if something was wrong or if it is how VDJ set the script up and what I could do to fix it.

Posted Thu 14 Sep 23 @ 11:02 pm
user26571578 wrote :
klausmogensen wrote :

Your passive aggressive statement does not help anyone

I actually added the "passive" part to not get edited by the mods - my first text that I didn't post was way more aggressive :)

My post was really an attempt to make you never again think/write that the "pioneer way" by default is the "correct way". Atomix decides what the correct way is in VDJ, regardless of which hardware is connected

Posted Fri 15 Sep 23 @ 8:12 am
shaq897PRO InfinityMember since 2022
klausmogensen wrote :
user26571578 wrote :
klausmogensen wrote :

Your passive aggressive statement does not help anyone

I actually added the "passive" part to not get edited by the mods - my first text that I didn't post was way more aggressive :)

My post was really an attempt to make you never again think/write that the "pioneer way" by default is the "correct way". Atomix decides what the correct way is in VDJ, regardless of which hardware is connected

Well apparently illiteracy wasn't a phase you grew out of. Your ability to accept a message as a matter of fact was lost due to you wanting to be correct about something that you are blatantly stubborn on and incorrect about. You've proven yourself to be worthless and of no help to anyone in this community. ✌🏻

Posted Mon 18 Sep 23 @ 10:29 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Moderator we're not here to pick fights, we just want answers to questions.
Question asked, question answered.

He is right though, the screen print on a device is usually followed, but not always and it doesn't have to be.
It is just a box of buttons and the software developers decide what action is attached by default to best suit the software.
Even after that you're free to remap, as you have done.

Posted Tue 19 Sep 23 @ 1:12 am
BunnyKizControlleristMember since 2024
I had the same question as I was very confused (just started to learn few days ago). The reply above was very useful, with a small change in the last one

loop ? loop 0 : loop 4
play ? loop ? loop_double : saved_loop +1 : goto_cue +1
play ? loop ? loop_half : saved_loop -1 : goto_cue -1

Posted Sun 07 Apr 24 @ 2:53 pm