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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: DMX Control
When will I be able to do this with. VDJ??


Posted Sat 29 Jul 23 @ 10:26 pm
The video shows how to do midi mapping in SoundSwitch. He “teaches” SoundSwitch how to interpret the midi messages coming from Rane Four. So, this works no matter what DJ app you are using.

And, SoundSwitch already integrates fully with VDJ. So everything he does in that video with Serato, you can do with VDJ.

I didn't watch the video because 15 minutes.
some cases you might need a virtual device but it's possible and reasonably easy .

Niels (cph) wrote :
The video shows how to do midi mapping in SoundSwitch. He “teaches” SoundSwitch how to interpret the midi messages coming from Rane Four. So, this works no matter what DJ app you are using.

And, SoundSwitch already integrates fully with VDJ. So everything he does in that video with Serato, you can do with VDJ.

Ok so show me how to control SS through VDJ because as of now it does NOT work and has never worked like it does in this video.

I think want Loco says is probably what has to happen.

I can get ShowXpress to work like this but never have been able to with SS and Ive been asking both companies for this for a very long time....

Don't bother with SS I've told them how to get midi from vdj into their SW but because it would cost them HW sales they won't acknowledge it being a real thing.

Imagine this
A pad page script; press toggles someVar to 1 or 0
now imagine
a mapping and definition file for a made up device that passes to a virtual midi cable,
so the mapping is "A LED", the script is; get_var someVar
the definition is name "A LED" and that sends a midi note
then that goes to loopmidi or something like it, then that goes to SS

That's how it works,
some variable, is tied to a LED of a virtual device, passed to a virtual midi cable, passed to soundswitch. When the var is true, the midi to turn the led on is sent.

the first bit can be anywhere that uses script, so pads, apoi, custom button, any mapping.

I've done it a few times before but I need a refresh everytime, check mine & phantom's messages here

if you get stuck, I could do it again.

Niels (cph) wrote :
The video shows how to do midi mapping in SoundSwitch.

Ok so show me how to control SS through VDJ because as of now it does NOT work and has never worked like it does in this video.

But my point is that this video does not show how to control SS from a DJ app. He is demoing midi mapping inside the SS app. He tells SS how to react to midi messages directly from the controller when a pad is pressed. No DJ app involved.



The part your missing is that he CAN USE a "pad page" which we CAN NOT in VDJ.

I can switch to a blank pad page in VDJ and map SS to that page but when I switch pages, guess what. SS will still react because it has NO idea I switched pages.

Thats what I'm trying to figure out. I didn't think it was that hard to understand as Loco knew exactly what I was talking about.

And it IS NOT fully integrated into VDJ otherwise I could put on a pad page without having to use a 3rd party.....


The part your missing is that he CAN USE a "pad page" which we CAN NOT in VDJ.


It is true that Rane Four offers a "special" hardware MIDI page.
This page is defined though, and visible to VirtualDJ. It is mapped as the "rest" of the pages.

Also for MOST controllers you can "unlink" a pad page from VirtualDJ if you wish.
Let's say you have "HOTCUES" pad page and "SLICER" pad page.
Then you have "HOTCUE_PAD_1" mapped as "pad 1" and "SLICER_PAD_1" also mapped as "pad 1"
If you want to unlink slicer from VirtualDJ way of handling pads then you can remap "SLICER_PAD_1" to anything you want. Therefore when the hardware of your controller switches to SLICER, it does no longer control the pad pages of VirtualDJ.

Same thing happens with RANE FOUR. In hardware level it offers two PAD modes. The pads on both of these modes are mapped as "pad X"
However you can unlink the second/special (custom) layer that's shown in the video above by remapping it to anything you want.

PS: Pioneer gear always offers different MIDI messages for each of their pad modes. So, for Pioneer units, each pad offers 8 different MIDI messages depending on the hardware PADMODE that's active.
Numark gear usually does not work this way. Most of the time it offers only 1 message for each pad.
Rane gear usually follows the Numark way, but on some devices a second and even a third hardware layer may exist. Going by heart here, but Rane SeventyTwo had 2 layers initially (same as what Four has now) but a third layer was added at some point with a firmware update, possibly when they introduced the SeventyTwo MKII model.

So, it's not always VirtualDJ's blame. Your hardware has also to be able to support this.

So why can’t I get this to work on my RANE 72 or my SC5000’s?? No matter what I do it just plays the lighting scene no matter what pad page I put it in.

I have asked for this before and no one seems to give me an answer, I have sent many emails to SS and still nothing but you guys say it works.

Show me it working please…

After the last couple of messages I finally understand what you are talking about, Sound Insurgent. Sorry about the delay.. 😊

I guess I was confused by the fact that this is a matter between the controller HW and SS, so I couldn’t see why we are discussing this in a VDJ forum. The only reason being, of course, that you must take care that a given pad is not midi mapped in both VDJ and SS at the same time.

So why can’t I get this to work on my RANE 72 or my SC5000’s?? No matter what I do it just plays the lighting scene no matter what pad page I put it in.

I have asked for this before and no one seems to give me an answer, I have sent many emails to SS and still nothing but you guys say it works.

If SS does not keep track of what pad mode is selected on the controller, then you have to use the “user” or “custom” pad modes of your controller. That’s the one he is using on the RANE FOUR in the video. The reason is, as Phantom explained, that the user/custom pad pages send midi messages that can be recognized by SW as a pad in a specific pad mode.

I checked the RANE 72 manual, and there are 3 “custom pad sets” available. Those should work as you want. If they don’t then SS (or R72 firmware) has a bug.

Generally speaking:

I hate SoundSwitch. I tried 3 or 4 times to use it (even as a stand alone program) and I gave up on it a few hours later. I find it the most difficult program to use with the most counter productive logic.
It's concept is simple, but the implementation makes it harder to use than Grand MA

Therefore, I don't monitor all SoundSwitch related topics on this forum.
However, since you are hanging enough time around these forums to know that either me or Babis have mapped a device, and that we generally try our best to help as best as we can even on the most bizarre requests, you should reach out.

For Rane units like SeventyTwo and Four it's simple.
Rane SeventyTwo offers one main hardware layer and three user layers.
Select the user layer you wish to unlink and use with soundswitch and then remap the keys PAD_USER1_1 (to 8) or PAD_USER2_1 (to 8) or PAD_USER3_1 (to 8). You may also want to remap the PAD MODE key that's used to give access to one of these pages. You don't have to, of course. VirtualDJ may switch pad mode, but since the PAD_USER1_1 key for example is not mapped as pad 1 anymore, it won't do anything. However you can remap the PAD MODE so that VirtualDJ does not switch pad mode on GUI to a different page (that will most likely be irrelevant to what the pads do anyway)

For Rane Four the keys you need to remap are PAD_CUSTOM_1 to PAD_CUSTOM_8

Finally, in your case, SC5000 offers only one hardware layer of PADS. Therefore it is not possible to do something like this, because of hardware limitation.

Soundswitch and Serato have probably worked together to offer some internal "bridge" between them and pass MIDI information each other, because the majority of applications require exclusive control over a MIDI device.
VirtualDJ has developed such a bridge a few years ago (called OS2L ) mostly aimed for DMX applications, but Soundswitch is using this only to get Track information from VirtualDJ. In the past we asked them several times to add the ability to receive/send "buttons" through OS2L, exactly for such cases (when you want to use a single MIDI controller to control both), but they never did.

So the ball is in their court ;)

Alright, Ill start emailing them again because this is long over due IMO...

Thanks for the info fellas and Ill try to get my 72mk2 to work with the custom buttons.