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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: DDJ 800 Beat FX not working
Hello has anyone have any problems just recently regarding BEAT FX? I’m not getting all of the onboard FX when I switch the the knob to each effect. Only spiral, pitch, low MT, Morbius 1. That’s it. What is the fix?

Posted Tue 04 Jul 23 @ 11:54 pm
There are no onboard fx on a DDJ-800. It can only trigger software FX
The FXs won't nessacarily match the ones in RB, because VDJ is another software. In that case the FX slot will have been mapped to often similar VDJ FXs

Then there is a possibility that some of the FXs are not the among the ones installed by default. In that case you can install them from under extensions in VDJ
Finally you can remap the DDJ-800 to use any FX available in VDJ

Posted Wed 05 Jul 23 @ 7:38 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Looking at the mapper all effects have been mapped though.
So make sure to check that you are using the factory default mapping, and then let us know which one specifically is not working.

Posted Wed 05 Jul 23 @ 7:42 am