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Topic: Mark a song as played with custom button?
bibi-bPRO InfinityMember since 2022
Hi there,

I would like to mark a loaded song as played by holding a custom bottom. And, if the song is already marked as played, I like to switch it back to unplayed.
Can someone help with the script, as I only knew of "not_played" but not the other way around.



Posted Fri 28 Apr 23 @ 6:51 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
browsed_song "Already Played" 0
browsed_song "Already Played" 1

Posted Fri 28 Apr 23 @ 7:19 pm
bibi-bPRO InfinityMember since 2022

Posted Sat 29 Apr 23 @ 6:38 am
How can this be applied for a song loaded on a deck?
In a skin I want to control "visibility" of elements based on the "already played" status of a song loaded in that deck.

How would a snippet look like?

Posted Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 10:57 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
like above but
instead of

Posted Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 11:06 am
Checked that out but it did not work.
Entered this as name in the Pads Editor:

Test: `get_loaded_song 'Already Played' ? get_text 'yes' : get_text 'no'`

But this returns Test: no. No matter if the loaded song is played or not.

Test: `get_browsed_song 'Already Played' ? get_text 'yes' : get_text 'no'`

is working fine for the browser selected song.

Posted Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 11:51 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
with param_equal
`get_loaded_song 'Already Played' & param_equal 1 ? get_text 'yes' : get_text 'no'`

Posted Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 12:47 pm
Thank you so much.
This is working perfectly fine 👍

Posted Tue 25 Jul 23 @ 3:45 pm
hi can you help i use virtual dj 7 and i would like to select 20 track and mark the as played
now i can unmark or remove the flag after is played but i can not mark it as played can you help please

Posted 19 hours ago
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
I honestly can't remember if you can do that with v7, it has been 10 years since I used v7.

Posted 18 hours ago
THANKS for replying
i have virtual dj 8 infinity
but dj live feed back do not work like virtual dj 7
is the reason i still use virtual dj 7
i have a large librey
and with livefeedback i have manege to create a way of play

i pley in key rotation
i dont beat mach

sound crazy but i can lisent to more music this wat
i give you some of my rotation key

01 a
06 a
03 a
08 a
05 a
02 a
07 a
04 a
09 a
06 a
11 a
08 a
05 a
10 a
07 a
04 a

Posted 18 hours ago
if you coud help me to inser a comad marck as playe for virtual dj
i will apresiate the programe crash after 10 days os me playing
if i can mark the tunes i have played till the crash i willbe avalibe to create more set without repetition
please let me know
playing in the way i play can open more creativity for music to lisent to it

Posted 18 hours ago