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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Beat grid breaks.
How do you fix the database beat grid? Several times over the last 3 years sync becomes unusable. I drop a track in both decks and the only way to sync them is to do it manually. I have recently had this happen again and had to do a complete re-install to fix the issue.

Posted Thu 23 Feb 23 @ 2:53 pm
You mean that when you press "SYNC" pitch doesn't change to match BPM ?
Or that program shows that BPM match, but sound doesn't ?

Because they are very different behaviors with different causes

PhantomDeejay wrote :
You mean that when you press "SYNC" pitch doesn't change to match BPM ?
Or that program shows that BPM match, but sound doesn't ?

Because they are very different behaviors with different causes

The Sync doesn't align the beat grids. I can align manually of course, and for the last few weeks I was doing this. I did a wipe and reload of vdj and restored data base as a fix, but this gets tedious. Happens about once a year to me.


Still you didn't answer my question. I gave you two possible answers to choose from because I had a reason (and language is sometimes a barrier to me)
Anyway, part of the reason I gave specific answers to chose from is this:
"SYNC" may appear that it's not working (it doesn't move the pitch slider to match the tempo of the other deck) when "masterdeck_auto" is disabled, and the deck tries to sync to itself.
Let me explain a little more:
Normally when you start VirtualDJ, it starts with "automatic" master deck detection. VirtualDJ uses a sophisticated set of rules to determine which deck is the "master deck"
SYNC (and a lot of similar actions) work against the "master deck"
This works fine until you manually select a "master deck" by yourself. You can do that with many ways. By using the "MASTER" buttons on some controllers (mostly Pioneer ones) or by clicking buttons on the GUI.
Once you manually select a "master deck" the automatic deck selection stops.
Now all "sync" operations are done against the manually selected master deck.
If you manually selected a "master deck" by mistake, it's easy to think that "sync" no longer works or works incorrectly.
Usually this situation will be resolved by simply restarting the software (there is another way to stop this of course). However, if the accidental manual selection of a "master deck" is due to a faulty button on a controller, or a weird script that you may be using, or something among those lines, then the issue can repeat itself and make it seem like as if the "sync" is generally broken.

To restore automatic "master deck" selection after you manually selected a "master deck" simply use the action masterdeck_auto
On many controllers this action is already programmed on their "MASTER" button, and you simply need to hold the button pressed for a second.

That's the most common reason why "sync" may seem broken.

If by "broken" you mean something else (like that tempo slider does change when you press SYNC, but audio doesn't sync) please explain the behavior better. As I said, sometimes the language is a barrier for me.

I use 3 controllers depending on the bar I play in. All pioneers. Once my "sync" issue begins to occur it stays this way with all my controllers until i do a clean wipe and reload. The issue I have is the 1st problem you listed.

Which controllers ?
Have you tried to monitor if master deck selection works properly ?

Do you use any advanced scripts ? Perhaps a script has an unwanted side-effect / bug that needs to get sorted

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Which controllers ?
Have you tried to monitor if master deck selection works properly ?

Do you use any advanced scripts ? Perhaps a script has an unwanted side-effect / bug that needs to get sorted

The master deck when manually selected does not stick. You highlight it but it soesnt stay. Yes, it could very well be a script. I have run milkdrop for the last 5 years and this may have affected my install.

Masterdeck "not sticking" when manually selected means that most likely a "repeat" script changes it.
Therefore I would suggest to revise your scripts for anything that may behave like this.
If unsure about a script, paste it's code here so that we can take a look and see if it has the protentional to brake master deck or not.