I have a problem where Virtual Dj not showing up on Prime 4 screen.I can see that my computer can see the controller as it say's connected in the Prime 4 driver control panel.Also Virtual DJ gives the option to select the Prime 4 in Audio setting's.The screen of the Prime 4 just shows Computer Mode I have tried different USB ports also restting virtual DJ.
Posted Thu 10 Nov 22 @ 9:46 am
Try delete Denon Prime4 Screen.zip file located in Documents/VirtualDJ/Skins and reconect your Prime 4, while your PC is connected to internet and restart VDJ.
Posted Thu 10 Nov 22 @ 11:18 am
Also try to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
Posted Thu 10 Nov 22 @ 11:52 am
So I tested on my second computer and it workred fine.So I deleted the prime 4 window drivers and reinstalled them and that resolved the problem.Thanks for they Reply
Posted Thu 10 Nov 22 @ 12:28 pm
Hallo ich habe das gleiche Problem und schon die hier beschriebenen Dinge versucht. Es passiert nichts, der Denon Screen bleibt schwarz. Skin gelöscht nichts keine Veränderung.
Ich habe es am PC win11 getestet das selbe.
Mein System Notebook ist WIn10, I5 8gb Ram neue Treiber und Updates.
Denon prime4 2.5.0 Firmware
Kann es an VDJ liegen das es nicht kompatibel ist?
Ich habe es am PC win11 getestet das selbe.
Mein System Notebook ist WIn10, I5 8gb Ram neue Treiber und Updates.
Denon prime4 2.5.0 Firmware
Kann es an VDJ liegen das es nicht kompatibel ist?
Posted Wed 15 Feb 23 @ 8:52 am
Hello, I have the same problem and have already tried the things described here. Nothing happens, the Denon screen stays black. Skin deleted nothing no change.
I tested it on PC win11 the same.
My system Notebook is WIn10, I5 8gb Ram new drivers and updates.
Denon prime4 2.4.0 firmware
Can it be because of VDJ that it is not compatible?
I tested it on PC win11 the same.
My system Notebook is WIn10, I5 8gb Ram new drivers and updates.
Denon prime4 2.4.0 firmware
Can it be because of VDJ that it is not compatible?
Posted Wed 15 Feb 23 @ 3:24 pm
Madpaddy wrote :
I have a problem where Virtual Dj not showing up on Prime 4 screen.I can see that my computer can see the controller as it say's connected in the Prime 4 driver control panel.Also Virtual DJ gives the option to select the Prime 4 in Audio setting's.The screen of the Prime 4 just shows Computer Mode I have tried different USB ports also restting virtual DJ.
Posted Sun 02 Jul 23 @ 6:12 pm
Madpaddy wrote :
I have a problem where Virtual Dj not showing up on Prime 4 screen.I can see that my computer can see the controller as it say's connected in the Prime 4 driver control panel.Also Virtual DJ gives the option to select the Prime 4 in Audio setting's.The screen of the Prime 4 just shows Computer Mode I have tried different USB ports also restting virtual DJ.
Is there a video to show how to fix this.......Please
Posted Thu 13 Jul 23 @ 12:24 am
I have a problem where Virtual Dj not showing up on Prime 4 screen.I can see that my computer can see the controller as it say's connected in the Prime 4
Is there a tutorial or video to fix this
Is there a tutorial or video to fix this
Posted Thu 13 Jul 23 @ 9:16 pm
Posted Thu 13 Jul 23 @ 9:34 pm
Madpaddy wrote :
I have a problem where Virtual Dj not showing up on Prime 4 screen.I can see that my computer can see the controller as it say's connected in the Prime 4 driver control panel.Also Virtual DJ gives the option to select the Prime 4 in Audio setting's.The screen of the Prime 4 just shows Computer Mode I have tried different USB ports also restting virtual DJ.
Did you solve the problem because i get the same?
Posted Fri 13 Sep 24 @ 6:04 pm
have the same problem! :-( tried everything but my screen on prime 4 + stays black "Computer mode". Please can anybody help?
Posted Fri 13 Sep 24 @ 10:32 pm
Yep this is happening to me too on the SC LIVE 4 and only since the recent virtual dj patch update. The controller works as it should other than not displaying anything on the screen. Pleased it's not just mine, obviously an error somewhere on the update!
I have redownload the driver and made sure controller is updated and has done nothing
I have redownload the driver and made sure controller is updated and has done nothing
Posted Fri 13 Sep 24 @ 11:25 pm
Yepp Controller works wonderful! just my screen stays black (PC Mode).
I just dont know why. I even cant find the Skin in the Skin-Option. I deleted zip and everything.
i reinstalled everything :-( even the alpha Built!
I just dont know why. I even cant find the Skin in the Skin-Option. I deleted zip and everything.
i reinstalled everything :-( even the alpha Built!
Posted Sun 15 Sep 24 @ 9:19 pm
Same problem
Posted Sun 15 Sep 24 @ 9:24 pm
I got a Solution!!!! i installled the Version built 8225 from June this Year!
it worked! screen is back! now i may not make any updates
it worked! screen is back! now i may not make any updates
Posted Sun 15 Sep 24 @ 9:38 pm
jobby2003 wrote :
Yep this is happening to me too on the SC LIVE 4 and only since the recent virtual dj patch update. The controller works as it should other than not displaying anything on the screen. Pleased it's not just mine, obviously an error somewhere on the update!
I have redownload the driver and made sure controller is updated and has done nothing
I have redownload the driver and made sure controller is updated and has done nothing
Same to me! but my version is 2024 b8308
I posted another thread:
Posted Mon 16 Sep 24 @ 10:13 am
We have updated the Denon Screen Library in latest Builds and VDJ needs to auto-download the new file.
If you open VDJ latest update with Prime 4 connected (or any other InMusic device with similar screen) and VDJ cannot download this file, the screen will not work.
In other words,
- download the latest VDJ Build and keep your computer connected to the Internet
- connect your Prime 4
- VDJ will automatically download a file named as AKAIREMOTESCREEN64_4.dll (located in your /Plugins64 folder)
- Screen should work and next time there is no need to have your computer connected to the Interent
If you open VDJ latest update with Prime 4 connected (or any other InMusic device with similar screen) and VDJ cannot download this file, the screen will not work.
In other words,
- download the latest VDJ Build and keep your computer connected to the Internet
- connect your Prime 4
- VDJ will automatically download a file named as AKAIREMOTESCREEN64_4.dll (located in your /Plugins64 folder)
- Screen should work and next time there is no need to have your computer connected to the Interent
Posted Mon 16 Sep 24 @ 11:07 am
djdad wrote :
We have updated the Denon Screen Library in latest Builds and VDJ needs to auto-download the new file.
If you open VDJ latest update with Prime 4 connected (or any other InMusic device with similar screen) and VDJ cannot download this file, the screen will not work.
In other words,
- download the latest VDJ Build and keep your computer connected to the Internet
- connect your Prime 4
- VDJ will automatically download a file named as AKAIREMOTESCREEN64_4.dll (located in your /Plugins64 folder)
- Screen should work and next time there is no need to have your computer connected to the Interent
If you open VDJ latest update with Prime 4 connected (or any other InMusic device with similar screen) and VDJ cannot download this file, the screen will not work.
In other words,
- download the latest VDJ Build and keep your computer connected to the Internet
- connect your Prime 4
- VDJ will automatically download a file named as AKAIREMOTESCREEN64_4.dll (located in your /Plugins64 folder)
- Screen should work and next time there is no need to have your computer connected to the Interent
I did this very very often! it did not work! only the Version downgrade activated the screen again
Posted Mon 16 Sep 24 @ 3:00 pm
djdad wrote :
We have updated the Denon Screen Library in latest Builds and VDJ needs to auto-download the new file.
If you open VDJ latest update with Prime 4 connected (or any other InMusic device with similar screen) and VDJ cannot download this file, the screen will not work.
In other words,
- download the latest VDJ Build and keep your computer connected to the Internet
- connect your Prime 4
- VDJ will automatically download a file named as AKAIREMOTESCREEN64_4.dll (located in your /Plugins64 folder)
- Screen should work and next time there is no need to have your computer connected to the Interent
If you open VDJ latest update with Prime 4 connected (or any other InMusic device with similar screen) and VDJ cannot download this file, the screen will not work.
In other words,
- download the latest VDJ Build and keep your computer connected to the Internet
- connect your Prime 4
- VDJ will automatically download a file named as AKAIREMOTESCREEN64_4.dll (located in your /Plugins64 folder)
- Screen should work and next time there is no need to have your computer connected to the Interent
Done, but with my version, vdj its still download the dll v3, not 4. May be I have to download the early access version?
Posted Mon 16 Sep 24 @ 4:36 pm