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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Syncing playhead position between decks
So I transition from Deck A to a new track on B, then halfway through track B I want to mix across to the instrumental I drop on Deck A.

After I start the instrumental on Track A, is there a way to sync the playhead position from teh current live track on B to A (this of coruse assumes the isnturmental is identical in structure and length)?

This means I can then crossfade between the two as needed, handy when I cant start both decks at the same time.

Posted Wed 02 Nov 22 @ 1:33 pm
I can't work out if there is an obvious solution I'm overlooking when using a 2 deck layout, or it is just impossible to do via scripting?
Obviously it's not an issue for those that have 4 deck configurations/controllers as you can start both tracks at the same time.

Posted Mon 07 Nov 22 @ 7:32 pm
deck 1 set 'curpos' `song_pos` & param_cast percentage & deck 2 song_pos

This will copy playhead position from deck 1 to deck 2
For the opposite just switch the deck numbers

PS: If the deck is playing, the "copied" deck may have a little delay and you may need to pitch bend the track to have perfect sync (or try to use sync action on the end)

deck 1 set 'curpos' `song_pos` & param_cast percentage & deck 2 song_pos & sync

Posted Mon 07 Nov 22 @ 7:54 pm

Posted Tue 08 Nov 22 @ 7:33 am