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Forum: Addons

Topic: Numark NDX500 Custom Mapper

Posted Fri 01 Jul 22 @ 7:45 am
This mapper is intended for the Numark NDX500, but the frame-cueing functionality can be adapted for just about any controller -- as long as it has a jog wheel, cue button, play button, and any spare button to enable frame-cueing. Simply extract the necessary logic, and you're good to go!

Here's a quick start guide:

  • Press 'Play' to pause or resume playback. Unlike most other mappers, simply pausing the track, will NOT reset the cuepoint.
  • Press 'Cue' to jump back to the cuepoint and pause playback, or hold 'Cue' to briefly preview the track from the cuepoint.
  • Press 'Tap' to set the cupoint and simultaneously pause the track during playback. Press 'Reloop' or 'Play' to resume playback.
  • Hold 'Tap' to enable frame-cueing, which will pause and stutter the track to aid in moving the cuepoint to the desired frame.
  • During frame-cueing, either the jog wheel or the track-selection knob can be used to seek through the track frame-by-frame.
  • Turntable braking is possible by pressing 'Play' while holding 'Brake'. Use the track-selection knob to adjust the braking speed.
  • Engage any one of the three effects banks by pressing 'Loop In', 'Loop Out', or 'Reloop' (for banks 1 through 3) accordingly.
  • Adjust the primary effect parameter by rotating the jogwheel. The LCD display will show the parameter value (in percent).
  • In Program Mode, use the pitch-bend buttons to scan through the track during playback ('+' for fast-forward or '-' for rewind).
  • In Program Mode, setup a loop by pressing 'Loop In' for the start and 'Loop Out' for the end. Exit the loop by pressing 'Loop Out'.
  • In Program Mode, press 'Loop In' to set the cuepoint on-the-fly. Press 'Reloop' to bop back to the cuepoint (similar to hot cues).

Note: The only buttons that reset the cuepoint are 'Tap', 'Loop In', and the hotcues. All other functions such as scratching, braking, reversing, scanning, pausing, etc. preserve the cupoint.