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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Transferring music

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My old hp laptop bit the dust and I didn't get a chance to logout of my virtual dj before it broke so when I went to use it on a new laptop none of my downloaded music transfered how can I have all the music that I had on the old laptop transfer to the new

Posted Sat 12 Feb 22 @ 1:53 am
You just need to copy the music over.
Either at exact same location (path) on the new computer as the old computer has.

Or use an external drive. Transfer from the old computer to the external drive using VirtualDJ browser (important) and this external drive can be used with any computer running VirtualDJ (with database info etc)


Posted Mon 14 Feb 22 @ 11:54 pm
Hi I have tried this and I have VirtualDJ 2020 PRO Subscriber: License. How do mI get this. I'm unable to
Use the below as the selection is not available to me.
A database backup can also be created automatically over a certain period of days. To set this up go to Options automaticDatabaseBackupPeriod and input a value (number of days) into the field.

The location of the backup can also be pre-set by going to Options databaseBackupLocation and inputing the folder location.

To restore a backup of your VirtualDJ Database click Browser Options Database Restore Database Backup

Posted Sat 19 Feb 22 @ 2:21 pm

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