Hi Guys,
How can I build a scrip on a hotcue that:
1- Loads the 'Scratchbank Pad' ===> pad_page 'Scratchbank' <=== That is how for I've gotten.
2- Besides loading the Scratchbank, it loads a specific bank e.i Bank A, Bank B, etc.
3- It does the loading of the Scratchbank with the defined bank but on the opposite deck of the playing Deck; ==> Example Song playing on Deck 1 loads the Scratchbank Pad on Deck 2 and vise verse.
As I mention before the only thing I can do so far is loading the Scratchbank, no Bank selection, or opposite deck validation.
Thank You
How can I build a scrip on a hotcue that:
1- Loads the 'Scratchbank Pad' ===> pad_page 'Scratchbank' <=== That is how for I've gotten.
2- Besides loading the Scratchbank, it loads a specific bank e.i Bank A, Bank B, etc.
3- It does the loading of the Scratchbank with the defined bank but on the opposite deck of the playing Deck; ==> Example Song playing on Deck 1 loads the Scratchbank Pad on Deck 2 and vise verse.
As I mention before the only thing I can do so far is loading the Scratchbank, no Bank selection, or opposite deck validation.
Thank You
Posted Tue 08 Feb 22 @ 6:34 pm