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Topic: Matching Tracks Feature - Page: 1

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Is there a matching tracks feature like in Rekordbox where you click a button to link two tracks together and the software remembers it for next time when needed ? Is there a way this can be implemented in vdj if possible by scripts? I would love to be able to do this . Any help is much welcome 🙏🏾

Posted Sun 12 Dec 21 @ 5:24 pm
yeah, for windows there's the 'sticky' add on

Awesome 👏🏾…. Can something similar be done for Mac? I recently migrated to Mac OS because I was having problems with my S11 whilst using vdj on windows

where is this sticky add-on?

Djratedxxx919 wrote :
where is this sticky add-on?
It’s on the add On’s page. Or you can also get it by googling sticky add on vdj


I can't code for mac, but I'll share my source code with anybody who would be willing to port it. There is a mac script way to do similar, I haven't found the post yet.

@XXX in app extensions > effects > other
might not be suitable for you as it use Grouping field as it's data store.
[it could use any field but that would need a 1 off custom tweak]
[I updated today with deeper cross referencing abilities, might be a few days before it goes public]

Ok will be searching for the mac script as well... really excited about this. tested it on windows and it works quite well. actually better than rekordbox because 'sticky' allows you to choose which tracks follow each other whereas in rekordbox if you match tracks ,they look like they might be backwards compatible which is not always the case. let me know when you release the updated version as well.

thanks, I made mine without looking at RB first [always nice when an idea surpasses what professional developers come up with]

can't find the mac post but I remember enough,

set [track on this deck follows track on other deck, (unlike sticky, action deck is the track marked, sticky marks the outgoing track allowing deeper searches in next release) ]
action_deck 1 ? get_text "`get_loaded_song 'grouping'`|`deck 2 get_loaded_song 'filename'`" & param_cast 'text' & loaded_song 'grouping' : get_text "`get_loaded_song 'grouping'`|`deck 1 get_loaded_song 'filename'`" & param_cast 'text' & loaded_song 'grouping'

list [pulls search against master deck] [needs B6767+]
search_options grouping on & deck 0 get_loaded_song filename & param_cast text & search & wait 200ms & search_options grouping off

Country: US
PRO Infinity
Member since 2011
Is there away I can create a side list option to make a dynamic compatible list of tracks according to the master track playing using parameters I choose?

Posted Sun 10 Nov 19 @ 2:25 am

I askede for this 2years ago..... Im going to try loco script and see how close it is.
My question is do I set the script as a custom button or can it be a keyboard script?

custom is better as the SET script above is made for that.
keyboard key would need 2 buttons for set [1 for each deck] and the action_deck query removing and the 'replies' need a deck assigned and split between 2 keys.
the "list" script doesn't matter where it is.

why not use the plugin if you're windows?, the "script only" way won't allow the deeper search that is coming in the new release.

getting tracks you linked is a good start, but it becomes really interesting with the new build in that it recommends tracks that haven't been manually linked but have links in common.
A works with B, B works with C, but have you tried A with C?

locodog wrote :

why not use the plugin if you're windows?, the "script only" way won't allow the deeper search that is coming in the new release.

getting tracks you linked is a good start, but it becomes really interesting with the new build in that it recommends tracks that haven't been manually linked but have links in common.
A works with B, B works with C, but have you tried A with C?

Truthfully...I cant get the understanding of the addon... I believe Im following the instructions but its not working the way Im understanding it. Which could be all my error.

Also I have a request is it possible to add a semicolon before the grouping tag entry if the field is already populated.
I actually use the grouping field to organize my files so theres a chance the field is already populated so the entry created buy add-on doesnt separate it self from the previous entry.
ex: 1980sR&BHot; SlowJamz
This is the grouping field for Bobby Brown - Tender Roni a 1980s R&B song ; thats a slow Jam
once I hit the add-on it looks like this
ex: 1980sR&BHot; SlowJamzCeboRemix-Cebo Glover2.mp4|
CeboRemix-Cebo Glover2.mp4| is the part the add-on created
is it possible to add " ; " if there is already entries in the grouping field?

if you're using grouping to hold other data, it's probably better the plugin uses another field entirely.

try use the plugin on tracks you haven't tagged the grouping to get to grips with it,
[b follows a, so mark a's grouping with b's title]
A beer will convince me to change the datastore to another field as a one off customisation.

locodog wrote :
if you're using grouping to hold other data, it's probably better the plugin uses another field entirely.

try use the plugin on tracks you haven't tagged the grouping to get to grips with it,
[b follows a, so mark a's grouping with b's title]
A beer will convince me to change the datastore to another field as a one off customisation.

I dont get paid till friday


Would love to see this in Sideview window and a 32-bit version ;)

sideview would be the right place for it, but sideview doesn't update when filter rules are updated.
x86 version is available but I'm done publicly releasing x86 versions of anything.

@xxx , get to grips with the plugin and think what field you'll want to use

I have a few questions
1. Why do I have to hit 2 follows 1 or 1 follows 2.... Can I just hit "Link" and it tags both files accordingly, so when either file is loaded again its linked file comes up in a list.
2. Lets say there are 4 songs that used the same sample, and thats why I want to link them, plus I want to link the original song to each of the 4 songs. So when either of those songs are loaded, those linked songs populate the top of the list, then other songs that the add-on may suggest?
3. In recordbox and Mixvibes you can set fields to find matches so can we match bpm and key like in the filter folders?

1 I made it that way, B follows A, but A might not follow B, [a following B might not work because of a key or tempo change in B]
not hard to have a custom button press both of the fx buttons if that's the wish.
2 It lists them as the filter finds them, I can't change that.
3 I don't see how that applies, this is a manual mark and retrieve, if you want a common tag search you can adapt the "List" script posted earlier, then map your keyboard or make a padpage.

locodog wrote :
it becomes really interesting with the new build in that it recommends tracks that haven't been manually linked but have links in common.
A works with B, B works with C, but have you tried A with C?

Actually it builds on this like "A works with B, B works with C, but have you tried A with C, you can also try D,E,F...ect because they match bpm,key or any fields you choose to scan for matches...
like I said I use the grouping field to group together tracks it can scan other entries in the grouping field(if you choose to use grouping as a comparable field)


That would be a different plugin.
As you start building up stickies, the forward & backward cross reference [in next release] will give you more possibles the more you use it.

locodog wrote :
if you're using grouping to hold other data, it's probably better the plugin uses another field entirely.

try use the plugin on tracks you haven't tagged the grouping to get to grips with it,
[b follows a, so mark a's grouping with b's title]
A beer will convince me to change the datastore to another field as a one off customisation.
Will a beer or more convince you to write a code for Mac or at least help me set it up for my Mac? because Its something I try to use very often and its very helpful. I had to switch to Mac because of my s11.. lol.. will be waiting for your feedback .. Cheers

