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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: browser_gotofolder "lists://history/karaoke/workinglist"

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I'm wanting to get to m3u as listed in title but can't get there with universal name, currently having to use "lists & advice/..." which will fail for non English locales.

Is it possible? I tried a few... "History://karaoke/..." "karaoke://..." but nothing took.

Posted Fri 12 Nov 21 @ 3:19 pm
Remember the full name is needed and Case sensitive
History is not a internal folder, and not in folders [ROOT] is unusable
get_vdj_folder is display only and can't cast

just access to karaoke is
param_add `get_text '\\History\Karaoke'` 'get_vdj_folder' & param_cast text & browser_gotofolder

this time it cab store in a variable
param_add `get_text '\\History\Karaoke'` 'get_vdj_folder' & param_cast text & set_var f

do the same with Singer adding playlist extension

you get the hyper simple and elegant following script

goto singer history
param_add `get_text '\\History\Karaoke\'` 'get_vdj_folder' & param_cast text & set_var f & param_add `get_text '.m3u'` `get_browsed_song singer` & set_var f0 & param_add "get_var f0" "get_var f" & browser_gotofolder


Thanks, I had issues with homefolder route in the past, depending on where "local music" folder was in the tree.
but they seem to have cleared up.

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