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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: VDJ 2021 freezes at random - Page: 1
Hello all! Hoping to get some insight with this issue.
So back in August, I updated to Build 6613. When I did that update, VDJ froze on me, and I had to completely restart. Fast forward to September 11th and 12th, where it froze on me on two separate sets. I first changed the cable, thinking there might be a short in it, that didn't work, so I immediately thought it was my computer, since it was running Windows 7, switched to my HP running Windows 10 (both have core i7 processors, 16GB of RAM, and SSDs) I got the same issue with the HP, VDJ froze on me twice during that particular set. So, eliminating the computer and the cable, I jumped to the controller. Maybe there was an issue with the USB ports on the controller (Numark NS6II) So, having the reason I was looking for to upgrade, I got the Denon Prime 4. Hooked it up, same issue, froze in the middle of my set about 30 minutes in or so. So now, I'm thinking, maybe the specs aren't enough, so I bust out the gaming laptop (Windows 10, Quad Core i7, NVIDIA graphics card, 12GB of DDR4 RAM, and windows is booting and running VDJ off of an SSD) So I'm doing a practice set last night, two hours and 15 minutes in, same issue. I'm at a loss. I have back to back to back gigs through October as it stands. Can anyone give me any insight as to what I should do here?

Forgot to add, it did it when I used both ASIO and WASAPI, so I'm pretty positive it's not the drivers.

Posted Wed 22 Sep 21 @ 4:20 am
I'm having the same problem and I too have back to back gigs. It's a quick freeze but it's incredibly noticeable and embarrassing.. please help..

if it was working fine up to Build 6613.......

go back a build and see if the problem goes away so you can get through your gigs I mean at least till you have a solution anyways :-)

if the problem doesn't go away it may be time to ask yourself what has changed on my machine besides the VDJ update.

So I went back two previous builds on because on my windows 7 laptop, I was getting the random freezes on the update before, but that could be just because it's a 2012 machine 😬 so I did the "downgrade" on the HP and, 2 hours and 52 minutes in, zero issues! Much appreciated on the assist!!!

wickedmix wrote :
if it was working fine up to Build 6613.......

go back a build and see if the problem goes away so you can get through your gigs I mean at least till you have a solution anyways :-)

if the problem doesn't go away it may be time to ask yourself what has changed on my machine besides the VDJ update.


Hello - I am having the same issue with my Numark NS6II. What build did you end up downgrading to?

Having similar issues with a Numark NV. Rolled back to version 6541. Had no issues prior to the Oct 1st update (6677). Testing now fingers crossed

derwoodski wrote :
Having similar issues with a Numark NV. Rolled back to version 6541. Had no issues prior to the Oct 1st update (6677). Testing now fingers crossed

Do you have any updates on the newest update? Will update if you're not having issues


vasili55 wrote :
Hello - I am having the same issue with my Numark NS6II. What build did you end up downgrading to?

I rolled back to 6503


i went and downloaded 2020 32 bit version , plays fine

We've been having similar issues. VDJ locking up mid set, on occasions music keeps playing but decks are completely frozen. Can't even open a folder!
I've just rolled back to build 7183 so I'll have to see if it cures the problem.

This is happening to several of us. We have a corporate login and we've all experienced this, so it can't be our hardware.

I'll post again if the problem continues.

What I am getting from this post is that, if you have a stable build, just stick with it, unless it's necessary to change it

skiversinc wrote :
We've been having similar issues. VDJ locking up mid set, on occasions music keeps playing but decks are completely frozen. Can't even open a folder!
I've just rolled back to build 7183 so I'll have to see if it cures the problem.

This is happening to several of us. We have a corporate login and we've all experienced this, so it can't be our hardware.

I'll post again if the problem continues.

Good news - Rolling back the software cured the problem. It was a nerve racking evening, waiting to see if it would lock up again, but it didn't, so I'm really happy.
Thanks for the advice.

Hi Everyone,

I have same issue with MacBook pro 2013 model and Macbook Pro M1 chip models. I see this issue for any VDJ build after 6503.

I have two controllers DDJ-800 which i currently using , i also bought Denon Prime Go which i cannot run with 6503 Build and till i get a fix in newer codes, i cannot use Prime :(

i noticed the CPU usage goes 28%when it hangs and it always freezes while i CUE it on the Deck-2 ( weird why happens only when i cue the track on DECK2.)

Hi everyone ,
Anyone has any suggestions to try for this issue .... Its frustrating i can use only b6503 code with this issue ... Need experts advise please

I am also having this issue with the latest build running on Denon Prime 4. I could be running my setup all day long with no issues, but of course, five minutes into a live set, everything including the sound freezes up on me. Restarting the controller fixed the issue. So, in that regard, I feel the underlying issue must be with the controller and not the software.
Help would be greatly appreciated as I don't enjoy quickly swapping to a playlist mid set.

i'm having an issue where VDJ doesnt freeze - but it randomly stops, literally for like 2 seconds, than resumes...and it usually happens at LEAST 1 hr into using the program. I updated software and windows, problem still occurs...any help?!?!?

I report the same;
I have the same issue. The sound keeps playing, VDJ is frozen, Controller is locked. The computer still works.
I have to force close VDJ and re-launch.
Once open VDJ has forgotten where it was and I have to reload any playlist, mix, etc.

Virtual DJ v2023 b7360

Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H 2.30 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
OS build 22621.963

Only have an issue with VDJ, all other software works as it should.

Will try rolling back and see if this helps. Must be a software issue.

Has VDJ acknowledged this issue or released a statement?

DjKrazyIan wrote :
Must be a software issue

I don't think so. I've recently done two three hour live streams (one yesterday, one today) running music, video, samples, graphics, freezing, no crashing, no controller lock ups. Same software.


Happened to me a couple of times a few weeks ago but I went back to a Windows image from earlier in the year and it's been fine since.

Points to a Windows update issue, I've now completely disabled them and no further issues.

kradcliffe wrote :
Points to a Windows update issue

Did one of those recently too (on the streaming laptop) - still no issues.

Yes OK there are a handful of people in this thread saying it's freezing......but there must be thousands of others running VDJ flawlessly.
