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Topic: Has Anyone Written Scripts to automatically create cue points based on a formula? - Page: 2
locodog wrote :
I'd probably do something like that at the xml level but if you don't know a bit of regex it might be harder that way.
something like this. just extend the lists..... of things to delete, remix point can only be deleted by name I think.

set 'scrollStep' 0 & browser_window 'songs' & load & repeat_start 'scroller' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' :
repeat_start 'scroller' 100ms & load & delete_cue 9 & delete_cue 10 & .........
delete_cue 'remix 1' & delete_cue 'remix 2' & .........
browser_scroll bottom ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1

Very Kool! Thank you, I am honored...

Posted Fri 13 May 22 @ 5:02 pm
Is it possible to resuruct this Script to set cue points every 8 bars. In other words can this script be modified to automatically set cue points from the first beat. I am not a programmer so what I have below may be completely out of wack.

Loco edit yeah was a bit off, corrected script below.


Posted Mon 06 May 24 @ 3:13 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
A good go but not quite, this would do it and after cue 4 checks if we have exceeded the song end, a mark every 32 is a bit excessive, it's a given some change will happen on the 32 boundary, some 32s are big some aren't.

repeat_start scroller ? on & repeat_stop scroller : off & browser_window 'songs' & browser_scroll top & load & repeat_start 'scroller' 100ms & goto_first_beat & set_cue 01 & cue_color 01 'red' & goto +32 & set_cue 02 & cue_color 02 'orange' & goto +32 & set_Cue 03 & cue_color 03 'yellow' & goto +32 & set_Cue 04 & cue_color 04 'blue' & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 05 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 06 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 07 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 08 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 09 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 10 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 11 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 12 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 13 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 14 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 15 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 16 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 17 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 18 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 19 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 20 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 21 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 22 & goto +32 & param_bigger 0.99 song_pos ? browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load : set_Cue 23 & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load

Posted Mon 06 May 24 @ 4:02 pm
Will give this a shot.

With comment with regard to 32, I am assuming that it corresponds to 32 Beats (8 bars) correct?

I am planning to use this in conjunction with the Remix points detected by VDJ, but I want to keep these separate from the Remix Points.

At some point I may want to script to combine these cue points with the Remix Points and merge any that overlap.

Posted Mon 06 May 24 @ 5:27 pm
So I modified the script to combine the two to set certain cue points at the start of the song and then set some more before the remix points. (This is what I want to accoplish)

After running the script I see two issues.

1) The problem I see is when the script reaches the last song in the browser window it keeps looping on the last last song. The only way to get out of it is to close VDJ and repoen it.
2) Once I load one of the songs where the cue points are set, I am unable to play the song. Either clicking the play button or selecting any of the cues the song plays in a look in something like 1/4 beat.

repeat_start scroller ? on & repeat_stop scroller : off & browser_window 'songs' & browser_scroll top & load & repeat_start 'scroller' 100ms &
goto_first_beat & set_cue 01 & cue_color 01 'red' &
goto +32 & set_cue 02 & cue_color 02 'orange' &
goto +32 & set_cue 03 & cue_color 03 'pink' &
goto +32 & set_cue 04 & cue_color 04 'green' &
hot_cue 1 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 1 remix & goto -64 & Set_Cue 05 & cue_color 05 'yellow' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 2 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 06 & cue_color 06 'blue' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 3 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 06 & cue_color 07 'yellow' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 4 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 05 & cue_color 09 'blue' &
browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load


Posted Wed 08 May 24 @ 5:06 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
You're missing the var scrollStep query

repeat_start scroller ? on & repeat_stop scroller : off & set 'scrollStep' 0 & browser_window 'songs' & browser_scroll top & load & repeat_start 'scroller' 100ms & var 'scrollStep' 0 ?
goto_first_beat & set_cue 01 & cue_color 01 'red' &
goto +32 & set_cue 02 & cue_color 02 'orange' &
goto +32 & set_cue 03 & cue_color 03 'pink' &
goto +32 & set_cue 04 & cue_color 04 'green' &
hot_cue 1 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 1 remix & goto -64 & Set_Cue 05 & cue_color 05 'yellow' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 2 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 06 & cue_color 06 'blue' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 3 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 06 & cue_color 07 'yellow' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 4 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 05 & cue_color 09 'blue' &
set scrollStep 1 : set 'scrollStep' 0 & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load

Posted Wed 08 May 24 @ 6:41 pm
I can't thank you enough for all your help. The script worked perfectly. As a stretch goal I am trying to change names of the cue points with something like this.

goto_first_beat & set_cue 01 & cue_color 01 'red' & cue_name 'Start' &

The script runs but I do not see any changes.

repeat_start scroller ? on & repeat_stop scroller : off & set 'scrollStep' 0 & browser_window 'songs' & browser_scroll top & load & repeat_start 'scroller' 100ms & var 'scrollStep' 0 ?
goto_first_beat & set_cue 01 & cue_color 01 'red' &
goto +32 & set_cue 02 & cue_color 02 'orange' &
goto +32 & set_cue 03 & cue_color 03 'pink' &
goto +32 & set_cue 04 & cue_color 04 'green' &
hot_cue 1 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 1 remix & goto -64 & Set_Cue 05 & cue_color 05 'yellow' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 2 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 06 & cue_color 06 'blue' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 3 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 06 & cue_color 07 'yellow' &
hot_cue 2 remix !? set 'scrollStep' 1 : goto_cue 4 remix & goto -64 & set_Cue 05 & cue_color 09 'blue' &
set scrollStep 1 : set 'scrollStep' 0 & browser_scroll 'bottom' ? repeat_stop 'scroller' : browser_scroll +1 & load[/quote]


Posted Thu 09 May 24 @ 4:28 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
cue_name needs a param before the new name string

available params are
current [the currently selected cue]

look at cue 1 and press this button

cue_name 1 "test" & wait 1000ms & cue_name current "test1" & wait 1000ms & cue_name "test1" "test2"

Posted Thu 09 May 24 @ 4:44 pm
That worked.

Thank you very much for all your help.

Posted Fri 10 May 24 @ 1:33 pm