Dear all,
I know it is quite an old controller, but I still own a Numark Total Control and I seem to have bricked it while trying to get new software on it and no it is without any firmware, just lit yellow. Is there, by any chance, anybody who can point me to a site where I can get a firmware for this controller. All the links I found are now dead after all these years.
Thank you very much and best regards
I know it is quite an old controller, but I still own a Numark Total Control and I seem to have bricked it while trying to get new software on it and no it is without any firmware, just lit yellow. Is there, by any chance, anybody who can point me to a site where I can get a firmware for this controller. All the links I found are now dead after all these years.
Thank you very much and best regards
Posted Mon 17 May 21 @ 9:18 pm
The obvious path is to contact with Numark support
Posted Tue 18 May 21 @ 10:16 am