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Forum: Video Discussion

Topic: Quality of video recording

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My main question is will a good video capture card help with the quality of the videos you record in virtual dj? I've tweaked the settings for video and recording but still notice some slight pixilation in the recorded video. Playing them looks perfect as far as on screen goes in virtual dj, just wondering if a good capture card will help the quality of recording a video.

Posted Thu 18 Mar 21 @ 2:50 pm
messed with the settings even more got it looking better only problem i'm having now is that my logo is pixelated no matter what size i set it to. Any recommended sizes as far as changing it in photoshop??

djslott936 wrote :
messed with the settings even more got it looking better only problem i'm having now is that my logo is pixelated no matter what size i set it to. Any recommended sizes as far as changing it in photoshop??

My guess is that you have set your video quality to be higher and thereby getting a higher screen resolution
But the image quality of the logo is not good/high enough for that
In that case you need a new logo file with a higher resolution

You can't "fix" images to be of higher quality. You can only lower the quality. So setting it in a higher resolution in photoshop will just give you bigger pixels (unless you have it in a vector based format)

djslott936 wrote :
only problem i'm having now is that my logo is pixelated no matter what size i set it to. Any recommended sizes as far as changing it in photoshop??

Make a 1080p image in Photoshop (1920x1080 pixels). Place the logo as big as you want it to be.
Crop to logo size, and save as PNG file.

Should look good in VirtualDJ then

(in theory you can make it bigger and scale down in VirtualDJ, but not really needed)


I actually had the setting higher than what my screen can handle for the video recording, had to go one down from the highest and it looks better. And yeah my logo is like 5 times the size of that but I think i was resizing it too small! I appreciate the help guys. Gonna try again on the logo in a few.

Can be slightly better to make the logo real size, or 2x size ..
5x seems like a lot of downscaling, and might be minor artifacts, but perhaps not ;-)

Just try what works best

learning as I go haha. someone does all my artwork, but lately I've been dabbling a little and doing my own stuff so its taking me a little bit to get it all down! lol

djslott936 wrote :
learning as I go haha. someone does all my artwork, but lately I've been dabbling a little and doing my own stuff so its taking me a little bit to get it all down! lol

Best way to learn and improve ;-) all good hehe

Video Card does effect quality. If you're only broadcasting then it does not. But Recording, it will depend on you Video Card.
AMD will handle recording milkdrop better than Intel. Intel will Record better graphics, but crappy with milkdrop.
Here are some tips to improve quality.
Know the fps of your device. If your videocard can handle 60fps. use 20, 30 or 10. Most likely 30 is where you end up.
Do no use microframes on Intel .
On video setting. for ForceFullscreen. Change to -1 so it does not record Fullscreen. Smaller screen size = graphics colors will move faster to fill the window. Which help the graphic card to capture more effectives compare to bigger space to work.
The 3 record setting. Low, Mid, High
Low=1080 res
Mid = 4k
High = U need a really fast graphic card, and big storage. AMD handle this ok, Intel You be lucky if you can get Mid quality.
Use 16 bits. and record Mp4 rather than Web
16 bits work with everything. 24 only with new soundcards. Make sure your soundcard setting matched with VDJ. Fastest way to verify is click in Audio tab in setting. On the right of your sound devices, there a number indicate what your soundcard setting are. 48k, 96k,44k
AMD don't use the DVXA options.
Intel use the DVXA options in Video setting.
Use small is the good starting out point. Location of recording also help. It faster to save onto hard drive vs saving directly to External. SSD will also work better than HDD device. Use the monitor that has the most framerate for your display. if you record 60fps, and display monitor only handle 59. Your recording is not going to look good. If you doing a show, u can use any monitor. broadcast is less work compare to recording.

Those are what I have try and experiments and what works, and doesn't.
Hope it help

A lot of incorrect information in your post...

Quote :
Do no use microframes on Intel

microFrames has nothing to do with which GPU you use, so keeping it the default auto will usually give best results on any GPU. It also hardly uses any processing so it doesn't matter for that either.

Quote :
On video setting. for ForceFullscreen. Change to -1 so it does not record Fullscreen.

videoForceFullScreen has nothing to do with recording. It is also only relevant for the 32-bit windows version of VirtualDJ, and should be kept at the default unless in some rare occasions to resolve some compatibiltiy issues.

Quote :
The 3 record setting. Low, Mid, High
Low=1080 res
Mid = 4k
High = U need a really fast graphic card, and big storage. AMD handle this ok, Intel You be lucky if you can get Mid quality.

recordQuality setting has nothing to do with the recorded resolution, and changing it will not make much difference in processing performance. It will only affect quality of the recording, and the filesize.
To change the resolution of the recording, use the recordVideoResolution setting.

Quote :
record Mp4 rather than WebM

The main advantage of mp4 is that if you have an Intel CPU or nVidia GPU it can do the encoding using hardware, which is much more efficient and therefore affect system performance less.
Currently there is no hardware accelerated encoding on AMD, but this is planned to be added as well.

Quote :
AMD don't use the DVXA options.

DXVA helps for video decoding on all systems (AMD, nVidia and Intel). Either way it is recommended to leave it enabled as it will greatly improve performance.

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Location of recording also help. It faster to save onto hard drive vs saving directly to External. SSD will also work better than HDD device.

This will probably not make a big difference. Even with high quality encoding you only need about 1MB/sec. Even slow old laptop HDD's can write at about 80MB/sec.

Currently there is no hardware accelerated encoding on AMD, but this is planned to be added as well

is it foreseeable when this will come?

then I don't need a new laptop!

Which GPU do you currently have?

AMD Radeon R9 M365X

Looks like it is supposed to be enabled already.
Try to start a video recording in mp4 format, then check the tooltip on the cpu meter in the skin.
It should read "Video Encoding: x% (h264_amf)" if it is using the hardware accelerated amd encoder.

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