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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Should A Shazam Plugin be included to Virtual DJ?

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ZvaiperHome userMember since 2017
Greetings from Zimbabwe!

As an upcoming DJ, with European exposure and taste in music, I might add, at times it is hard to find the song up want to add to your next podcast set due to the amount of times a song may be remixed. So thinking out loud wouldn't having a real time shazam link plugin feature that works both through the internet and through the microphone of ones laptop/desktop be added?

Posted Sat 13 Feb 21 @ 11:02 pm
There used to be a shazam lookup function, that listed what you had shazamed on you phone, so you could auto-search for it in VDJ and play it
Now I do this to achive the same goal:

Posted Sun 14 Feb 21 @ 3:47 am

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