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Topic: Mapping VST: Filtr Guda Audio

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I would like to map an effect knob to act similarly to a colorfx knob. I want to apply two different effect modes from the VST Filter Guda Audio. One mode active from 49% to 0% and the other from 51% to 100%.

I've found the effect_slider number for each knob but struggle to map which effect mode I want to apply from the VST.

The different effect modes are shown in this screenshot:

Greatful for all help I can get

Posted Fri 22 Jan 21 @ 2:15 pm
All VST effects parameters are exposed as "sliders"
Based on what you have found, check slider 4 for instance or one that's "missing" from the sequence you have found for the rest sliders.

Also you can change a custom button to:
effect_slider 1
and for button name type

The button will then show the "internal" name of the control 1 as exposed by the VST effect itself.
By changing the slider number you will be able to find the one you want (instead of just guessing around)

Unsure what you ment by naming the button query. Went in to the pads editor and tried changing the pad name to query but nothing happened.

"effect_slider 1 1 " to " effect_slider 1 4 " are knobs.

" effect_slider 1 6 1 " turns effect mode to off

I tested: it's slider 6 ("type")

for full range slider:
param_multiply 0.07 & effect_slider 6
for name:
get_effect_slider_name 6

we get a real absolute values: entry * 0.01
off=0 Transistor = 0.01 ... Basic = 0.07

But there is no way to get true name (text) directly from VST
manually : set 'GudaType' `effect_slider 6 & param_multiply 100 & param_cast int`
then you can make tests (not ideal but worth it)
var 'GudaType' 0 : get_text 'off' : var 'GudaType' 1 ? get_text 'Transistor'....

Oo thanks man, much appreciated!!

haha problem is I am a total rookie unfurtunately. Is there any way to simplify e.g how you get it to be Transistor?

What i don't understand is "for name"

"For name": in a way to get the name of the slider

no other way to get it as "Transistor" but to manually get value and test ... and return text

Oh I see..
I want it to be more of a static action rather than a knob roll kind of action..

you can set the value directly
effect_slider 6 <ABSOLUTE_VALUE>
effect_slider "Filtr" 6 <ABSOLUTE_VALUE>
effect_slider [slot] 6 <ABSOLUTE_VALUE>
0.00 off
0.01 Transistor ladder
0.02 K 2pole
0.03 Diode ladder
0.04 SVF 2p low pas
0.05 SVF 2p high pas
0.06 SVF 2p band pas
0.07 Basic 2p low pass

Thanks man! just what I needed. Cheers!

So now my next question is, How would I compress the filter so it stretches between knob value 0.49 and 0.00?

param_multiply 0.5 & YOUR DESIRED DIAL SCRIPT
0.0 to 0.5

Thanks so much locodog!

I get my desired stretch at param_multiply 2.
Ok, so where the knob goes from center to left I'd like the filter to go from left to right.

Right now, when I turn the knob from center to left the filter goes from right to left.

I tried param_reverse but that didn't do what I was thinking. Any ideas?

it would be param_invert [the real script that you want for your imagined param_reverse ]
but that won't be the full answer, I didn't read the full thread, just jumped in to reply to your last comment.

save me the pain of piecing together what you're after. fill in the blanks

I have a dial, when the dial is @ 50% everything is in a normal state, when I twist from 0.5 to 0.0 I want BLANK , when I twist from 0.5 to 1.0 I want BLANK

it's all just a case of query > or < than 0.5 then apply a multiplier, maybe an invert too.

Sorry invert* ;)

when I twist from 0.5 to 0.0 I want the effect to go from 0.0 to 1.0 , when I twist from 0.5 to 1.0 I want it to do nothing.

Knob at the moment:
param_reverse & param_multiply 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 6 0.05 & effect_slider 'filtr' 2

The problem is that say you don't have param_invert the effect starts fading when the knob is at 1.0 and then when I scroll to 0.5 the effect is 100%

Instead I want the effect to start from 0.5 and when I scroll to 0.0 the effect should reach 100%.

param_add 0.5 & param_invert & param_multiply 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 2& effect_slider 'filtr' 6 0.05

Thanks again Nicotux!

I worked it out like this
After having a look at it this is what I got. Not perfect but pretty good

param_bigger 0.50 ? param_invert & param_multiply 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 6 0.05 : param_smaller 0.50 ? param_reverse & param_multiply 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 6 0.01

Thanks to all of you,
I hope you have a nice day.

Excuse my last post. After a bit of testing the script above does not actually combine the two effect modes, only a double of one on each side. Seems like the VST won't focus on the other effect mode..

Solved it by copying the Filtr .dll file in the soundeffect path. Works perfect now :)

param_bigger 0.50 ? param_add -0.50 & param_multiply 2 & effect_slider 'filtr 2' 2 & effect_slider 'filtr 2' 6 0.05 : param_reverse & param_multiply 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 2 & effect_slider 'filtr' 6 0.01

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