I have discovered a bit of a problem when using the Automix feature and fading from song to song:
For some reason, recently, while automix is fading from song to another, the decks become pitch-locked AND have their tempo values sync during the fade, so that both tempo sliders are at equal values during the entire fade, and the deck that is being faded to gets automatically pitch-locked with the deck that is being faded from- in other words, if automix is on and deck 1 is playing, and automix starts fading to the next song on deck 2, the tempo slider for deck 2 gets automatically synced to the same value as the tempo slider for deck 1, so that whatever value the tempo slider for deck 1 was set to (e.g., +8), tempo slider for deck 2 syncs to that same value, and deck 2 pitch-locks with deck 1, so that whatever you slide the tempo slider for deck 1 to, tempo slider for deck 2 follows, and the pitch-lock only disengages after automix finishes fading from one deck to the other.....how on earth do I fix this???
Also, for some songs, when setting the fade feature to Fade (remove silence), VirtualDJ plays PAST the end of the file and doesn't fade on that setting until the it gets to the end of the audio of the song, defeating the whole purpose of Fade remove silence!!
Anyone that can help with at least the first issue, as that is a bit more concerning?
I have discovered a bit of a problem when using the Automix feature and fading from song to song:
For some reason, recently, while automix is fading from song to another, the decks become pitch-locked AND have their tempo values sync during the fade, so that both tempo sliders are at equal values during the entire fade, and the deck that is being faded to gets automatically pitch-locked with the deck that is being faded from- in other words, if automix is on and deck 1 is playing, and automix starts fading to the next song on deck 2, the tempo slider for deck 2 gets automatically synced to the same value as the tempo slider for deck 1, so that whatever value the tempo slider for deck 1 was set to (e.g., +8), tempo slider for deck 2 syncs to that same value, and deck 2 pitch-locks with deck 1, so that whatever you slide the tempo slider for deck 1 to, tempo slider for deck 2 follows, and the pitch-lock only disengages after automix finishes fading from one deck to the other.....how on earth do I fix this???
Also, for some songs, when setting the fade feature to Fade (remove silence), VirtualDJ plays PAST the end of the file and doesn't fade on that setting until the it gets to the end of the audio of the song, defeating the whole purpose of Fade remove silence!!
Anyone that can help with at least the first issue, as that is a bit more concerning?
Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 2:33 am
you may also notice automix stop to work (do not auto* and do not mix but simply goes on passed the song) when a dialog box is open
Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 3:10 am
Hmmm, haven't noticed that myself so far....any ideas as to how resolve these issues possibly?
Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 3:17 am
Have you tried to disable "autoMixBeatMatchOnFade" setting ?
Posted Fri 15 Jan 21 @ 5:08 pm