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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Auto clone - Page: 2

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DJ FESTIVAL138 wrote :
i have disable my load security, i sometimes load song mistakenly. Serato, when a deck is play and you load, it play without playing. Can you help me that in Virtual Dj? I know load & play can do but i want it like the above.

DJ FESTIVAL138 wrote :
I have tried the silence of load security but i prefer the no because i have key for load for each deck.
But am sure you understand my view and answer will come

Maybe, but not sure what you meant with the original post.. maybe you wrote something wrong :-) "Play without playing"?
I guess you might mean "load without playing"? thats simply load.. . instead of load & play

Am saying that for serato dj, when a song is playing and load new one on the playing deck, it start playing without pressing play. Anytime you load a song it play, you only play when the deck stop.

Am asking if Virtual dj can do that. I can map my load key to load & play but I don't like it that way, I want it like how u do the clone settings.

I still find it absolutely incredible that someone who admits to running cracked software (and plainly after all this time has no intention of buying or subscribing) gets so much support.

If I took a car for a test drive and never went back with it, do you think I could turn up a week later and ask them to service it and fill it with fuel for me?

I agree people should depending on circumstance get help to encourage them to buy and support the company but this has gone on for many months now.

And mods, rather than just wiping the post completely (like you usually do) it might be worth discussing as it seems you get the same support and assistance for paying nothing as you do for spending the $299 which isn't right.


DJ FESTIVAL138 wrote :
only play when the deck stop

That's another neat trick. If the deck is stopped, it should not be playing. If the deck is playing, then it's not stopped.


Please if you're a home user means u shouldn't ask question here? Or home user have access to use everything in Virtual (especially addons)?
Sometimes you talk make it pain us, those with 5, 7 and more stars doesn't talk like that. You were home user before becoming a pro use so take time a lot okay.

We were all home users to start with, yes - but then we bought a license. That's the difference here.

You have clearly stated on here more than once that you are using a controller, but you do not have a Plus license, or a subscription.

We can see by the fact you only have one star, and the words "Home user" that you do not have a license.

That means you are illegally using the software without having purchased the correct license.

Yes I was using a controller but for that one, I signed in on the software and I was give 30 days but it has expired.

DJ FESTIVAL138 wrote :
Am saying that for serato dj, when a song is playing and load new one on the playing deck, it start playing without pressing play. Anytime you load a song it play, you only play when the deck stop.

Am asking if Virtual dj can do that. I can map my load key to load & play but I don't like it that way, I want it like how u do the clone settings.

Thats a little more tricky, and can not be done with ONSONGLOAD perhaps..
Since that acts when song is loaded, and would't know the prior song so easily (could save to variable, but thats a bit clunky perhaps)

Could run a non stop "loop" script, as mentioned earlier from Klaus, that would constantly check if loaded song is same as previous.
Just not a big fan of such scripts running non stop myself. Perhaps a new setting in VirtualDJ can be added, a keepPlay setting that will continusly play if loading song to a playing deck.

anyway here is an updated script with
- corrected button status
- working for left and right decks
- not affected by load in other decks
- keeping current status of playing/stopped cloned deck

repeat_start cloneme ?on & debug stop & repeat_stop cloneme : debug start & set cloneenable 0 &repeat_start_instant cloneme 33ms & deck all load_pulse ? var cloneenable 1 ? loaded ? debug loaded & set cloneenable 0 & param_equal `deck left get_filepath` `deck right get_filepath` ? debug same & leftdeck ? debug deckleft & clone_from_deck right & _pause : rightdeck ? debug deckright & clone_from_deck left & _pause : debug unrelated : debug differ & nothing : nothing : nothing : set cloneenable `loaded`

and the same one only cloning IF AND ONLY IF comming from 'sidelist' (same track from browser or other deck won't clone)

repeat_start cloneme ?on & debug stop & repeat_stop cloneme : debug start & set cloneenable 0 &repeat_start_instant cloneme 33ms & deck all load_pulse ? var cloneenable 1 ? loaded ? debug loaded & set cloneenable 0 & browser_window 'sideview' ? sideview 'sidelist' ? param_equal `deck left get_filepath` `deck right get_filepath` ? debug same & leftdeck ? debug deckleft & clone_from_deck right & _pause : rightdeck ? debug deckright & clone_from_deck left & _pause : debug unrelated : debug differ & nothing : debug notsidelist : debug notsideview : nothing : nothing : set cloneenable `loaded`

i start to like this feature

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