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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: No screens SC5000 - Page: 2

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Engine Prime is terrible.

I have had so many issues with it. I couldn't get it to install in Windows for months as it was trying to create a temporary folder in an area restricted to an admin account, even though I was admin.

Took ages to figure out and Denon were useless trying to help.

I only use it to update my MCX8000 memory stick every couple of months now.

It's probably one of the worst pieces of software I've ever used.

I finally got it to open last night around midnight.

I just deleted the entire Prime folder it created in my music folder and then it worked.

So I’m guessing the Engine database was corrupted or something like that but all is good now. So I’ll spend the rest of the week creating playlists for certain events/gigs that I do and try going laptopless this Saturday.

As far as the players go themselves, I love them!! Gotta get used to the jogwheels but other then that I’m really liking these 🤙🏾

Hardware ways they do seem to be up there. Let us know how you get on.

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