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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Automatic Hot Cue on the fist beat

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I would like to know if Virtual Dj has a option to set a hot cue on the first beat automatically when you load a track. Please, help!

Posted Sun 30 Aug 20 @ 7:09 pm

go to Options on the AutoCue line select Cue/skyp silence

I selected but hot cue on the first beat doesn't appear whe I load a track.

You want to set Hotcue 1 always ?

Goto VDJ Settings->MAPPING tab, select Keyboard from the top-left list and then locate the ONSONGLOAD key below.
Use this action for the key..
repeat_start 'setc' 500ms & goto_first_beat & set_cue 1 & repeat_stop 'setc'


Is there a variation of this to automatically set hot cue 1 at 0.00?

change the goto to
goto 0%

I just tried this and it overwrites if there is already a cue 1 by adding cue 2 at the same point (or rather it changes the original cue 1 to cue 2) which messes up any 'goto_cue action that you may have set on later cue points

This is weird, VDJ either crashed and reloaded or it just didn't like that action but it's no longer there?

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