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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: n00b LED mapping script questions
I'm mapping my xone K2 and am done with all the basic functionality.
Now I want to map some LEDs.

Does anyone have any examples of scripts for making an LED light up while the button is pressed? Do I map this on the button or on the LED?

I'd also like an LED to light up while sync is on, but haven't figured that out either.

If I want to get real fancy I would like my play/pause button on each deck to 'blink 500ms' when the song has 30 seconds left, but that's not important.

If anyone has any tips I would be grateful.

Posted Sat 11 Jul 20 @ 9:05 am

Posted Sat 11 Jul 20 @ 1:53 pm
Xone K2 is already defined in VirtualDJ, so dont need a definition file

Posted Sat 11 Jul 20 @ 2:01 pm
DJ Anarkodandy wrote :

Does anyone have any examples of scripts for making an LED light up while the button is pressed? Do I map this on the button or on the LED?

Usually this is automatic if the action in the script returns true at given action (or condition).

Else you can use explicitly on or off as part of the script

contition or action ? blink 500ms & do something : off & do something

action ? on & action : off & action


Posted Sat 11 Jul 20 @ 2:03 pm
Thanks! I figured it out.

Posted Sun 12 Jul 20 @ 3:50 pm
WubLyfePRO InfinityMember since 2023
DJ Anarkodandy wrote :
Thanks! I figured it out.

How did you do it?

Posted Fri 17 May 24 @ 8:30 pm