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Forum: VirtualDJ Skins

Topic: Show both remain and elapsed values in multitouch theme

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Apologies if this is teaching granny to suck eggs, but I couldn't find it anywhere so thought I'd post it in case anyone else wanted it.

If you like the multitouch theme but don't like the fact you can only see remaining or elapsed or total time (and clicking it changes for both decks), do what I did and change

<pos x="+574" y="+76" width="142" height="50"/>
<off x="660" y="2178"/>
<button action="cycle '@$decktimes' 3" visibility="var '@$decktimes' 0" query="songpos_remain 20000ms ? blink 500ms : true">
<Tooltip>Click to cycle through the available time views\nElapsed, Remain and Total</Tooltip>
<pos x="+574" y="+76" width="142" height="50"/>
<text weight="bold" size="26" color="#808080" align="center" format="► %Pleft"/>
<textselected weight="bold" size="26" color="white" align="center" format="► %Pleft"/>
<button action="cycle '@$decktimes' 3" visibility="var '@$decktimes' 1" query="songpos_remain 20000ms ? blink 500ms : true">
<Tooltip>Click to cycle through the available time views\nElapsed, Remain and Total</Tooltip>
<pos x="+574" y="+76" width="142" height="50"/>
<text weight="bold" size="26" color="#808080" align="center" format="◄ %Pspent"/>
<textselected weight="bold" size="26" color="white" align="center" format="◄ %Pspent"/>
<button class="textcolorline1" action="cycle '@$decktimes' 3" visibility="var '@$decktimes' 2">
<Tooltip>Click to cycle through the available time views\nElapsed, Remain and Total</Tooltip>
<pos x="+574" y="+76" width="142" height="50"/>
<text weight="bold" size="26" align="center" format="◄ %time ►"/>


<button visibility="songpos_remain 20000ms ? blink 500ms : true">
<pos x="+574" y="+76" width="142" height="50"/>
<text weight="bold" size="26" color="white" align="center" format="%Pspent %Pleft"/>

(Obviously you need to change the pos values for the second and fourth deck)

Posted Sun 17 May 20 @ 4:02 pm

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