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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: VDJ 2020 when I click open app takes several minutes to open.

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First I apologize if this is already being covered here. I tried to locate what I am experiencing and could not locate it. So please move this to the correct spot if I missed it. Thank you.

I am used to VDJ taking several seconds to open when I click on the shortcut. Or app in the app folder. It however has not taken it over a minute or two to finally open.

Now this is not the same as slow loading songs. Not the same as waiting for my music library to be recognized.

Once the app opens, it behaves perfectly for me. Songs drop right in, they react to my iput changes just fine. No pitch issues, and its all golden.

I ran a system check and repair. It said it fixed issues. I also readjusted my page file to the recommended size the system had for it. 21500 MB actually a bit more than that. Restarted the PC... Exactly the same issue.

Oddly only my DAW and VDJ are the apps that take a long time to open like this... Could it be and audio driver issue that isn't enough to crash things? Just thought of this right now...

Been using VDJ since 5, and have not had an issue like this one before. And, overall VDJ has been one of the most dependable, stable programs I use.

I use the default skin pack, I have some others that I try once and a while.

I think that covers my issue.

The DAW I use is Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio in case that helps.
I also do not run both programs at once as they both have MIDI.

Posted Sat 04 Apr 20 @ 6:40 pm

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