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Topic: effect_select command for FX Folders

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I have many FX sortet in Folders.
So when I drop the Button with Shift for Effect Select , the it open the FX Popup and I can scroll in the List for select a Effect.
But it keeps scroll only in the same Folder where this one FX , and i will also go to the othe Folders.
How can I do this.
In the Browser I can go to the Folder List , but it dont works with the Effect Popup Browser.
Is the any script command for it?
Thanks Dani

Posted Sun 26 Jan 20 @ 12:45 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Just create a new sampler page and add samples from your folder

right click the sample page name and select "new..."
give a name
drag & drop samples from sample folder to sample page

Posted Sun 26 Jan 20 @ 7:02 am
Nicotux wrote :
Just create a new sampler page and add samples from your folder

right click the sample page name and select "new..."
give a name
drag & drop samples from sample folder to sample page

I dont write about Sampler.
I mean the Effect Select Popup.
I have sorted my Effects in Folders (Filter Effect , Beat Effect , Master Effekt , VSTs also , ect.).
And when I use effect_select and it open the Effekt Popup fo select Effects , it scrolls only in the same Folder.
Exemple , In the Slot 1 is a Flanger , and I drop the Button on My Controller to select a other FX , than it open the the Effekt Popup Window to , and i can scroll in the List to select a Effect , but i can only scroll in the Folder where is the Flanger :-(
But I will also go to my other Folders when I will a other FX change .

Posted Sun 26 Jan 20 @ 4:01 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Thought as much, there no script that I know of, however keyboard left arrow will take you to the parent folder.
a proper solution would be the back button, if selecting fx, do as the left KB key. But that's just an idea.

Or if effect_select was queriable, browser_scroll could do this [I just made an example of the "param_bigger 0 ?" part]
effect_select 1 ? effect_select +1 : browser_scroll +1

There are some inconsistencies I've found with browser_scroll when used with context/dropdowns, like pad menu - won't scroll


Posted Sun 26 Jan 20 @ 4:25 pm
locodog wrote :
Thought as much, there no script that I know of, however keyboard left arrow will take you to the parent folder.
a proper solution would be the back button, if selecting fx, do as the left KB key. But that's just an idea.

Or if effect_select was queriable, browser_scroll could do this [I just made an example of the "param_bigger 0 ?" part]
effect_select 1 ? effect_select +1 : browser_scroll +1

There are some inconsistencies I've found with browser_scroll when used with context/dropdowns, like pad menu - won't scroll

Pad Page is an other thing , the you must ( pad_page -1 or pad_page +1 ) but for two Buttons when you will change an other Padpage.
But when I click on my Controller the Button (shift effect_select) than it open the FX Dropdown , and i can scroll in this Dropdown whith the Browser Encoder.
But when I then click the Back Button (thats only goes to the Browser Folders) not the Effekt Folders.
And the other think , when I drop the Folderbutton(Back) on my Controller when open the Effect Dropdown , than it freeze Virtual DJ , and i must start new the Programm.
Also when I onli use the Command effect_select +1 (without open the FX Dropdown) , than it keeps also only in the one Effekt Folder .


Posted Sun 26 Jan 20 @ 5:12 pm
Sorry but I think that is a great Bug (an Error) in Virtual DJ.
Its not only when I use the command effect_select (and the Dropdown goes open) it is als when i use it whith 2 Buttons (effect_select -1 or other Button effect_select +1).
Example : when I open the Dropdown , and change the first folder , than close the Dropdown , than it select the Effects in this first folder , than automatic it goes in the Folder where Flanger FXs sorted , and keeps in this Folder.

But the Mistery Thing : On my old Controller Numark NS6 , the is for select FXs an Encoder Poti , the only Select_effect , and the it scrolls to all Folders , and all Effects...
And the other Mistery Thing , by the Color FX , the it work also whit the select - and select + , and also change to all Folders....

And by the Main FX Slots there works nothing , when I will select FX , it select only the Effects in the same Folder...

Its not normal , I think thats a BUG :-(

Posted Mon 27 Jan 20 @ 9:54 pm
Is ther a Way to use the Funktion from the Back/Del from the Windows Keyboard using on a Controllerbutton as Command?
Is the any Command for this...
Its not so fine when I go back to FX Folders I mußt ever use on My Laptop Keyboard , I will only use my Controller , Laptop stand by Side !

Posted Mon 10 Feb 20 @ 3:39 pm

I found a fix for this,

I have scripted my xone k2 controller so that when I press a button normally it does a command, but if I press the button while also holding the shift button, it will do something different, in this case it sends two different commands, which are either go forward to next effect or go backwards to previous effect when pressed,

All the commands for this setup where as follows,

Virtual DJ Mapper tab,

BUTTON_2_H_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 1 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 1 +1
BUTTON_2_M_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 2 +1
BUTTON_2_L_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 3 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 3 +1
BUTTON_4_H_RED var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 1 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 1 +1
BUTTON_4_M_RED var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 2 +1
BUTTON_4_L_RED var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 3 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 3 +1

In human language,

Pressed button + Shift ? Go to previous effect : pressed just the button ? Go to next effect

All of these buttons worked as intended expect for line 2

BUTTON_2_M_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 2 +1

When I pressed just the button on its own it kept bringing up the deck 1 effect context menu,

All the other commands worked as scripted,

So instead I changed the line and added


to the end of the command and it now works!

So new list should read like this in the virtual dj mapping section,

BUTTON_2_H_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 1 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 1 +1
BUTTON_2_M_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 2 +1 ->
BUTTON_2_L_RED var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 3 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 3 +1
BUTTON_4_H_RED var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 1 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 1 +1
BUTTON_4_M_RED var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 2 +1
BUTTON_4_L_RED var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 3 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 3 +1

And in xml language will look like this,

<map value="BUTTON_2_H_RED" action="var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 1 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 1 +1" />
<map value="BUTTON_2_M_RED" action="var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 2 +1 ->" />
<map value="BUTTON_2_L_RED" action="var '$shift' ? deck 1 effect_select 3 -1 : deck 1 effect_select 3 +1" />
<map value="BUTTON_4_H_RED" action="var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 1 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 1 +1" />
<map value="BUTTON_4_M_RED" action="var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 2 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 2 +1" />
<map value="BUTTON_4_L_RED" action="var '$shift' ? deck 2 effect_select 3 -1 : deck 2 effect_select 3 +1" />

Hope this helps!

Posted Sat 13 Mar 21 @ 11:52 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Really ?
Select the whole initial script (only highlight it) and you'll see there is an trailing spurious character in line 2 (maybe a control char that breaks the command, often a bad end of line due to paste with extra cr or lf or part of utf-8 char)

try to totally remove the line 2 and type the command again, it must now work (even visually the same)

Posted Sun 14 Mar 21 @ 1:41 am
RanikiPRO InfinityMember since 2018

Posted Sun 14 Mar 21 @ 9:55 am
jake2.0Home userMember since 2016
Hola, quisiera pedir una ayuda a la gente que sabe, un script para seleccionar o activar un slot específico para luego dispar ar el efecto del slot seleccionado o activado con una palanca slider en una controladora ( numark platinum fx) gracias

Posted Sun 02 May 21 @ 12:46 pm

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