Does anyone do this? I bought an Akai APC Mini controller, it came with Abelton Lite. My goal was to get bigger sound out of my small speaker set up. I routed Virtual DJ master outs to Abelton. Opened a new live set. Set up 8 audio tracks. First track has no effect. The rest I added audio effects Boom Capture. reverb, compressor, There are a lot available in light. I never see anyone talking about this. With a unity gain stage arraignment MP3s leave alot of headroom on the table, especially old ones. By adding 8 channels to the gain stage, each channel's effects adding a slight latency or delay making every sound much larger. I learned this by trial and error.
I would like to talk about this.
I would like to talk about this.
Posted Wed 13 Nov 19 @ 2:53 pm
Crickets? I am a one man show I run my own sound. Is there a place in the Virtual DJ community where people talk about what our art sound like?
Posted Thu 14 Nov 19 @ 10:33 pm
I like the Akai APC Mini controller and Abelton Lite personally, but I don't own the controller. I agree Ableton Live has great-sounding effects built-in and to be able to control them with a hardware controller sounds cool. It would be nice if you had a YouTube video tutorial of your setup, configuration and how you're using it. I guess most people are more video oriented than reading and typing these days.
You've mentioned you can get Big Sound out of old MP3s. I know older CDs don't sound as good as what we're using now, but I've retired all music that didn't sound up to par. I'm not sure what genre(s) you're referring too, but there's so much new music right now that I avoid playing anything from 90s or earlier. I guess I'm just one of those people who avoids the classics for mixing, but I can still appreciate old school vinyl.
You've mentioned you can get Big Sound out of old MP3s. I know older CDs don't sound as good as what we're using now, but I've retired all music that didn't sound up to par. I'm not sure what genre(s) you're referring too, but there's so much new music right now that I avoid playing anything from 90s or earlier. I guess I'm just one of those people who avoids the classics for mixing, but I can still appreciate old school vinyl.
Posted Sat 16 Nov 19 @ 10:26 am
tedswirlmann wrote :
Probably because most people here just use VDJ's own built in efffects on the decks and master output, rather than sending the output to Live and running it through eight effects (which seems rather OTT).
Generally DJs try to avoid latency, not add it.
There are plenty of plugins that you could add to the VDJ master output to fatten up the audio, without involving Live.
Posted Sat 16 Nov 19 @ 10:43 am
Also would help perhaps if you could post an example of how it would sound.
Sounds like you are creating some sort of custom reverb though, can't really imagine you'd want that all the time on the master. Most of the time it's already difficult enough to limit the reverb of the venue and you'd want less not more
Sounds like you are creating some sort of custom reverb though, can't really imagine you'd want that all the time on the master. Most of the time it's already difficult enough to limit the reverb of the venue and you'd want less not more
Posted Sat 16 Nov 19 @ 10:48 am
I do a lot of events where I am basicly a pop radio dj all day and dance at night. Newer music does sound great most times out of the box. Older stuff across the board sounds weak. With this set up I have one track with 2 Bass filters one focuses on boom the other on rumble. Another does kick drum. Another does snare drum. The next 3 tracks focus on vocals, 1 High mid, 2 High, 3 two different reverb and compressors. Even without a controller this gives the ability to improve the areas that are not loud or clear enough.
The magic of the sound comes from the virtual gain stage. The untouched track leads and is the first part of the sound or gets to the master first. The tracks that have filters and or processors in them all take longer to arrive at the master some longer than others. This happens faster than you can hear but fills the empty space. The size of every sound is increased this adds volume with out effecting the peaks. This is Home Made DSP. If you try this do it with small speakers first. You could accidentally cause an earth quake or break glass with big speakers. But Wow.
The magic of the sound comes from the virtual gain stage. The untouched track leads and is the first part of the sound or gets to the master first. The tracks that have filters and or processors in them all take longer to arrive at the master some longer than others. This happens faster than you can hear but fills the empty space. The size of every sound is increased this adds volume with out effecting the peaks. This is Home Made DSP. If you try this do it with small speakers first. You could accidentally cause an earth quake or break glass with big speakers. But Wow.
Posted Sat 16 Nov 19 @ 8:48 pm
On added latency. It does add a good amount and would make you crazy if you were scratching or doing live loops. It is easy to turn on and off and is excellent for requests that you already know won't sound good if you play them.
What are these plug ins you speak of for the Virtual DJ master. I have probably all ready downloaded them but don't know what they are called ?
What are these plug ins you speak of for the Virtual DJ master. I have probably all ready downloaded them but don't know what they are called ?
Posted Sat 16 Nov 19 @ 9:17 pm
VDJ can run any VST plugin on the master or individual decks
Posted Sat 16 Nov 19 @ 9:52 pm
Perhaps it saves you some time, but you could also just import the track into Ableton Live and use 3rd party VSTs and get the same result. Short Reverb with a low and high cut (size/diffuse/delay), ducking side-chained, multi-band compressors for the bass and snares handled separately with various slopes like 3dB/oct slopes at 200 Hz, high pass, low pass, high focus density dynamic VSTs can make an MP3 sound nice if it's clean enough to work with.
Posted Sun 17 Nov 19 @ 8:41 am
Izotope Ozone is a popular all-in-one mastering plug-in.
Posted Sun 17 Nov 19 @ 8:54 am
Thank all of you for your thoughts on this. Ozone looks like something I would really like. Loading and playing whole songs in Abelton is something I have wanted to learn how to do, it may exceed my light license. I did get some cool plug ins with the 3 Akai controllers that I have. I will try to copy them into the VDJ effect folder and see if they work. Abelton Standard is on my wish list for this winter, I am not sure why though. Ozone will be further explored. It will take me a while to look through all the doors you just opened for me. I love learning this stuff. Thank you all again
Posted Sun 17 Nov 19 @ 5:18 pm