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Topic: DDJ-SX2 FX Mapping problems - Page: 1

This part of topic is old and might contain outdated or incorrect information

I'll start by saying that this issue is the only thing that's keeping me away from trying out VDJ in my shows.
Your help is very much appreciated.
I'll try to be as clear as possible:

I'm trying to make VDJ's multi fx mode work 100% the same as it works in Serato.
In Serato - if you select working with multi fx (which i do), the routing is something like this:

FX 1 on - effect 1 active
FX 1 knob - effect 1 control
FX 2 on - effect 2 active
FX 2 knob - effect 2 control
FX 3 on - effect 3 active
FX 3 knob - effect 3 control
FX beats knob - beats

(Right DECK):
FX 4 on - effect 1 active
FX 4 knob - effect 1 control
FX 5 on - effect 2 active
FX 5 knob - effect 2 control
FX 6 on - effect 3 active
FX 6 knob - effect 3 control
FX beats knob - beats

(By FX 4+5+6 on the right deck it means 1+2+3 but from the right deck...i hope you understand)

Each channel on the DDJ-SX2 has a 1,2 button (FX assign). Let's say i'm playing a track on Deck 2. if i press FX assign 1 it will send whatever effect is turned on in the LEFT FX DECK. meaning i can press FX assign 1, and only if i turn on one or more effects, it will be sent to that channel. If an effect is active but FX assign isn't, the effect will not be active on that deck/channel. Same goes for FX assign 2. only the FX from the RIGHT FX DECK will be send to a deck/channel i assign it to.
The beautiful thing about this is the idea that i don't need an additional FX deck for decks 3 and 4. I route my Sampler to Deck 4. if i click on Deck 4's FX assign it will work the same as it does on decks 1,2,3.
Furthermore - FX assign "kills" the effect if you turn it off, meaning it cuts off any post-fader trail too.
On the other hand, if you keep the FX assign button on and turn off the actual effect, the post-fader trail will keep going (I mentioned this because it's a very good and useful feature)
That's it.
is this programmable?
I have tried DDJ-SX2 mapping from older builds (which for some reason have a completely different mapping the in the FX section) and more options that were given to be by the very nice people in the facebook support forum but i couldn't get it to work.
I was also suggested "mirroring" the FX decks so that i will not have to choose what to assign but that doesn't help me with Decks 3+4.

Thanks in advance


Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 4:32 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
The script/remapping is possible and reasonably straight forward, the trickier part is what you see on the skin, again not impossible just a bit of skinning work.
You'd link "bank b/right side" fx to fx slots 4,5,6 , then you'd have a rsi script to monitor what fx is selected on fx slots and if changed make the changes to other decks.

Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 8:09 am
I'm not sure I follow your requirements, but the effects layout/routing is different in Serato software than it is in VDJ. That's a fixed thing which can't be changed.

In Serato DJ the fx banks are standalone. That's why on controllers designed for Serato DJ there are two FX assign buttons, allowing you to send any deck to either FX bank, or to both banks. You can't do that in VDJ.

In VDJ the effects have a fixed assignment to each deck, and to the master output. This is why the assign buttons on the SX2 act as clone buttons in VDJ.

Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 9:08 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
@groovin, vdj could absolutely work as serato does with fx.If op uses the performance skin a variation of the fx rack would be the least work

Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 9:40 am
groovindj wrote :
I'm not sure I follow your requirements, but the effects layout/routing is different in Serato software than it is in VDJ. That's a fixed thing which can't be changed.

In Serato DJ the fx banks are standalone. That's why on controllers designed for Serato DJ there are two FX assign buttons, allowing you to send any deck to either FX bank, or to both banks. You can't do that in VDJ.

In VDJ the effects have a fixed assignment to each deck, and to the master output. This is why the assign buttons on the SX2 act as clone buttons in VDJ.

Just out of curiosity, why not make the FX standalone?
Serato Dj has its limits but it struck gold with the FX (combined with the DDJ-SX/SZ2). This is why i didn't switch to SX3 (different fx layout)
Hopefully there is a way around this.

Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 9:46 am
I agree it would be best if there was an option in VDJ to have the FX assignment work the "Serato way" - and I have posted about that in the past here. It would make more sense then, allowing the functions on a "Serato controller" to do what the user expects.

A lot of things that get asked for never materialise.

Locodog, how would one go about "untying" VDJ FX from each deck, so you could send (e.g.) the left deck to the right bank, or to both banks?

Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 10:06 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
you wouldn't untie [that can't be done] you'd use 6 fx slots on every deck.
Bank a covers fx slots 1,2,3, bank b covers slots 4,5,6

Posted Sun 27 Oct 19 @ 10:30 am
strange I had understood from other posts from 2015 that it was possible. with complete scripts included.

Posted Sat 09 Oct 21 @ 5:57 pm
when i see this i so get it but... I think if your needing more slots or want a master control to pads buy a cheap controller. I can buy a cheap controller for 25$ to $80 Canadian and add effect as much as i want. right now im running over 300 buttons for effects plus pages linked to effects and poi linked to songs with effect pages . I also have 6 other owned dj softwares plus 4 more different controllers on top of my rig.

Posted Tue 12 Oct 21 @ 3:50 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
it's not slots at issue, it's the limited workflow that offers a simplicity that some like. [personally not a fan]

It is possible it has been for years, I personally don't like the workflow so haven't bothered replicating it, a bit of mapping, a skin tweak maybe add skin rack nothing too complicated about it.

Posted Tue 12 Oct 21 @ 4:36 pm
locodog wrote :
it's not slots at issue, it's the limited workflow that offers a simplicity that some like. [personally not a fan]

It is possible it has been for years, I personally don't like the workflow so haven't bothered replicating it, a bit of mapping, a skin tweak maybe add skin rack nothing too complicated about it.

But you have now also received the 6FX function in the new VDJ version. can't be used for that either. And with that function you can create 6 effects per deck via the shift key. But then you have to press extra buttons. Personally, that's not my thing, I prefer to have everything directly available. Instead of browsing tabs. I also have an extra akai LPD8 with 8 pads and 8 potentiometers. saves extra thinking.

Posted Sat 16 Oct 21 @ 4:32 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
skip1e wrote :
then you have to press extra buttons. ... browsing tabs...

not the case, when I say it's possible I mean including the workflow.


Posted Sat 16 Oct 21 @ 8:06 am
KronsterControlleristMember since 2010
Did anyone resolve this? I bought an sx2 and now I see the same issue. I should be able to, on each channel, chose if I want to use the effects on the left deck (FX1) or right deck (FX2) using the FX1_assign and the FX_2 assign buttons... but clearly the default mapping doesn't work right. Anyone got the correct action to put into the mapping for the correct behavior? Effectively I want to have 6 different effects... 3 put on the left side in FX1... and 3 put on the right side in FX2... but the clone behavior is just re-assigning what is on the other deck onto the current one totally ruining the intent. If I hit the FX1_assign button, I want to tell that channel to use the three on that left deck ... or... if I pick FX2_assign, I'm telling the channel to use the three on the right side instead. Am I missing something? Could I not just enable the fx1_assign and fx2_assign at the same time and have 6 effects to chose from at my fingertips? I would be happy with either telling the channel left or right though... if having all 6 available at the same time isn't possible.

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 12:53 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013

yes, as I've said it's just a mapping exercise [and a skin to make sense of it]

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 1:19 am
KronsterControlleristMember since 2010
I see you added all of the FX on each deck... awesome! I could probably make something like that work... Which skin is that you are using?

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 3:31 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
default:performance with my own customisations.
20KB rsi script to follow any right click [or external] effect_select changes, serious modification of the fx rack, deck fx panel changes for 6 slots [not sure why 6 slots hasn't yet been added to the stock perform skin, truth be told, fx units would mean 6 slots wouldn't need to be visible on standard decks anyway] about 100KB bigger skin.

controller scheme wasn't easy either, had to build in a lot of redundancy.

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 4:26 am
KronsterControlleristMember since 2010
Thank you for your message... I did message the main help with this issue and they didn't seem to care. Basically the default mapping that was released claims these settings are set, but they are not based on how the manual for the DDJ-SX model reads. This software isn't cheap and when I buy a 1000 dollar controller I would expect VirtualDJ to take mapping it as correctly as possible seriously. Clearly its possible to make it work right... so I would ask that they simply invest a little time into correcting the mapping actions and re-release the mapping for the SX units so they work properly. I want to press the FX1 or FX2 lighted buttons above each channel to use either the FX1 effects grouping on the left deck, or the FX2 effects grouping on the right deck. The manual says it should work that way... VDJ should work that way with the mapping.

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 5:10 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
mine isn't a 1:1 recreation, it isn't without issue, to work it needs an extra deck, the rack on the bottom is actually controlling deck 5 and such methods could lead to complications if you aren't aware what is going on.
Plus there's continuity to maintain between different devices, some don't have the buttons to maintain this work flow.
I'm one guy and I can knock up whatever to please myself, atomix is a company and has the entire user base to consider before making changes.

plus there's also edge case fx [mostly user created] that will have issues working this way [slipbrake8 being an obvious example]

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 6:52 pm
Kronster wrote :
Basically the default mapping that was released claims these settings are set, but they are not based on how the manual for the DDJ-SX model reads.

That's because Pioneer's owner manual of the controller (the one that ships in the box) was written with another software in mind.

Kronster wrote :
This software isn't cheap and when I buy a 1000 dollar controller I would expect VirtualDJ to take mapping it as correctly as possible seriously.

I guess that one needs to define what "correctly" stands for, and then also define how much "correct" is correct ?

Kronster wrote :
Clearly its possible to make it work right... so I would ask that they simply invest a little time into correcting the mapping actions and re-release the mapping for the SX units so they work properly.

You say "properly" but you mean "as in Serato". VirtualDJ has a different way of handling effects. VirtualDJ does not have "2 global effect units with 3 effects slots each" that Serato has. VirtualDJ has virtually unlimited effect slots per deck, and for master. Also the effect slots of each deck (or master) are independent. This means that one deck can have different effect slots "armed/loaded" than the other.

Kronster wrote :
I want to press the FX1 or FX2 lighted buttons above each channel to use either the FX1 effects grouping on the left deck, or the FX2 effects grouping on the right deck.

There's no "effect grouping" (as you understand it, anyway) in VirtualDJ. See what I wrote above. Also the default GUI (skin) of VirtualDJ does NOT show you two different "groups" of effects. It shows you the left and the right deck effects. In VirtualDJ when you select 3+3 effects on the GUI, you don't select 6 effects for "groups" that you can then apply in any deck. You select the effects you want on the right and the left deck.

Kronster wrote :
The manual says it should work that way... VDJ should work that way with the mapping.

The Pioneer manual may say so (because as I already mentioned is written for another software) but VirtualDJ's device manual certainly doesn't say so:

There are a few ways to expand the functionality of effects and FX1/FX2 buttons.
But no matter what crazy mapping you may do, they will never function "as in Serato" because their logic is completely different.
If you want my own personal take then do this:
Remap the following

<map value="FX1_ASSIGN" action="effect_bank_load 1" />
<map value="FX2_ASSIGN" action="effect_bank_load 2" />
<map value="FX3_ASSIGN" action="effect_bank_save 1" />
<map value="FX4_ASSIGN" action="effect_bank_save 2" />

Then pressing SHIFT+FX1 or SHIFT+FX2 will save the currently selected effects of a deck on Effect Bank 1 or 2
Pressing FX1 or FX2 will load that bank on the corresponding deck.
That's the "closest" you can get to a behavior "similar" (but not the same) "as in Serato"

PS: If you wonder why the controller is not mapped as with the suggestions I gave you, that's another story. But mostly because those actions didn't exist when DDJ-SX2 was originally mapped.
And when users are accustomed to a particular way of using a device for let's say 3 years or more, it's not a good practice to change things for them (since updating the mapping would affect both old and new users)

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 8:32 pm
KronsterControlleristMember since 2010
Thank you for that... once I'm back home later today... I'll give that a try. I agree that every performer has a style.. that is what makes the art form what it is. For me.... I like the access to the effects banks on top and with the pads... which is why I prefer the DDJ-SX series of controllers over the DDJ-1000. I also didn't like how the looping controls were above the jogwheel on the DDJ-1000 whereas on the SX units.. they are bottom right. I found the rotating knob one effect at a time style selection very limiting to my performance style on that unit as well though I probably would have adapted if I stuck with it but I only had a 14 day return policy window on it. I understand that I'm critical of the software.. don't get be wrong, I have had great success in VDJ and with a few tweaks here or there with the new controller and I think it will be just fine.

Posted Mon 13 Dec 21 @ 9:10 pm