I want to create my own skin. I have no idea where to start. I have tried to download a few creator/builder apps but can't figure them out. Is there any videos that I can watch to figure out how to use these apps. Are there videos on how to write my own xml file and create my own png images to use in the skin or is a creator app the only way?
Thanks for your help.
I want to create my own skin. I have no idea where to start. I have tried to download a few creator/builder apps but can't figure them out. Is there any videos that I can watch to figure out how to use these apps. Are there videos on how to write my own xml file and create my own png images to use in the skin or is a creator app the only way?
Thanks for your help.
Posted Wed 15 May 19 @ 9:34 am
You can skin from scratch.
you won't find any vdj videos on making .png as that's just making a picture in photoshop or gimp.
I don't think you'll find video on writing skin.xml, as that's more text based teaching.
Here's a crash course on the skin creator
you won't find any vdj videos on making .png as that's just making a picture in photoshop or gimp.
I don't think you'll find video on writing skin.xml, as that's more text based teaching.
Here's a crash course on the skin creator
Posted Wed 15 May 19 @ 10:01 am
IMO the best way to learn is to study existing skins, and start by doing a few small modifications to them, to see how the coding works.
Don't try to start from scratch now. It'll be overwhelming for you.
The skin creator by djdad is also useful for studying the concept of XML and PNG interaction, and for getting your own project off the ground once you've learned enough to do so.
Don't try to start from scratch now. It'll be overwhelming for you.
The skin creator by djdad is also useful for studying the concept of XML and PNG interaction, and for getting your own project off the ground once you've learned enough to do so.
Posted Wed 15 May 19 @ 4:53 pm
Skin Virtual DJ 8_Sahara Airline_by DJ Mansour.
Skin Virtual DJ 8_Sahara Airline_by DJ Mansour.
Posted Wed 29 May 19 @ 10:26 pm
No links to external downloads allowed, if you want to share your skin, please submit it to atomix
No links to external downloads allowed, if you want to share your skin, please submit it to atomix
Posted Wed 29 May 19 @ 10:56 pm
Best Regards.
Best Regards.
Posted Wed 29 May 19 @ 11:38 pm
Hello, I want to modify the default video skin for broadcast ...Is there a way to edit the .xml file in the directory \\DESKTOP\Users\rouss\Documents\VirtualDJ\VideoSkins\for Broadcast, so that I remove de bottom bar that is showing a spectral view of the played sound and tha t has too much opacity and hiding a part of my video (specially when undertittles).
The codes when openning .xml file with notepad is :
<skin name="for Broadcast" version="8" width="1920" height="1080" breaklineV="950" breaklineV2="970" comment="Rich skin focused on showing your mix" author="Atomix Productions" preview="preview.png">
<copyright>(c)2018 - Atomix Productions</copyright>
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<!-- action -->
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<!-- default -->
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<!-- default -->
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<!-- action -->
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<!-- default -->
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<!-- default -->
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....I'm sure there is a way to set what I want to display (or not) in the video skin for broadcast.
So that you can easily figure out what part of the video skin I don't want to see anymore (because it hides the video rectangle with to much opacity), I join a file of the videoskin preview where I draw a yellow rectangle around the bar that is showing a spectral view of the sound that is playing, and that I don't want to show (rather see at first). Thank you for your help. Yves
The codes when openning .xml file with notepad is :
<skin name="for Broadcast" version="8" width="1920" height="1080" breaklineV="950" breaklineV2="970" comment="Rich skin focused on showing your mix" author="Atomix Productions" preview="preview.png">
<copyright>(c)2018 - Atomix Productions</copyright>
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<!-- panels-->
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<!-- action -->
<item class="looppanel" visibility="is_using 'loop' 8000ms"></item>
<item class="samplerpanel" visibility="is_using 'sample' 1000ms"></item>
<item class="padspanel" visibility="is_using 'pads' 1000ms"></item>
<item class="cuepanel" visibility="is_using 'cue' 1000ms"></item>
<item class="fxpanel" visibility="is_using 'effect' 1000ms 8000ms"></item>
<item class="filterpanel" visibility="is_using 'filter' 1000ms"></item>
<!-- default -->
<item class="covertimepanel"></item>
<item class="trackinfopanel"></item>
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<pos x="445" y="+160+25" />
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<!-- default -->
<item class="vupanel"></item>
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<pos x="+100" y="+100"/>
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<visual type="circle" source="get position">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
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<slot x="+0" y="702+160+25" />
<!-- action -->
<item class="looppanel" visibility="is_using 'loop' 8000ms"></item>
<item class="samplerpanel" visibility="is_using 'sample' 1000ms"></item>
<item class="padspanel" visibility="is_using 'pads' 1000ms"></item>
<item class="cuepanel" visibility="is_using 'cue' 1000ms"></item>
<item class="fxpanel" visibility="is_using 'effect' 1000ms 8000ms"></item>
<item class="filterpanel" visibility="is_using 'filter' 1000ms"></item>
<!-- default -->
<item class="covertimepanel"></item>
<item class="trackinfopanel"></item>
<stack fadein="200ms" fadeout="500ms">
<pos x="1920-330-445" y="+160+25" />
<size width="330" height="160"/>
<slot x="+0" y="+0" />
<item class="eqpanel" visibility="is_using 'equalizer' 2000ms"></item>
<!-- default -->
<item class="vupanel"></item>
<group name="Video Master" x="376" y="167+20+20">
<video source="master" canstretch="true">
<pos x="+0" y="+0"/>
<size width="1168" height="656"/>
<square name="bottom_area" color="#000000" radius="10" visibility="70%" canstretch="true">
<pos x="+25" y="+656-75"/>
<size width="1168-50" height="60"/>
<equalizer type="bar" nb="96" color="#8a8a89" deck="master" width="0.4" slow="true" bass="middle" mirror="false" canstretch="true">
<pos x="+25+25" y="+656-75+5"/>
<size width="1168-50-50" height="60-10" />
....I'm sure there is a way to set what I want to display (or not) in the video skin for broadcast.
So that you can easily figure out what part of the video skin I don't want to see anymore (because it hides the video rectangle with to much opacity), I join a file of the videoskin preview where I draw a yellow rectangle around the bar that is showing a spectral view of the sound that is playing, and that I don't want to show (rather see at first). Thank you for your help. Yves
Posted Sun 02 Jun 19 @ 3:20 pm
no need to post the full skin script
comment out the <square ... /equalizer> from the end of the skin & you're done
comment out the <square ... /equalizer> from the end of the skin & you're done
Posted Sun 02 Jun 19 @ 3:45 pm
It would be nice if these elements were switchable from either the skin window itself, the main skin, or a keyboard /controller shortcut.
Having to manually edit XML is not very user friendly for most people.
Having to manually edit XML is not very user friendly for most people.
Posted Sun 02 Jun 19 @ 4:09 pm
Posted Sun 02 Jun 19 @ 7:23 pm
Nicotux wrote :
comment out the <square ... /equalizer> from the end of the skin & you're done
comment out the <square ... /equalizer> from the end of the skin & you're done
Posted Sun 02 Jun 19 @ 7:35 pm