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Topic: Mapping for stanton djc-4 with video

Posted Fri 16 Nov 18 @ 4:13 pm
This mapping modify fx function in stanton DJC.4 and others functions

-Fx- modified to match the skin stanton djc.4 By P.drote (shift+knobb second parameter)
-Browser knobb- modified to also control the different panels
-Shift+sampler - play stutter
-Sync butons led- mark BPM in real time
-Shift+load- unload
-Cue/play butons- modified to obey the configuration of Virtualdj (play options)


Update is approved. Please next time, upload just the xml file. There is no need to zip the file.


This mapping version is for the skin STANTON DJC-4 By Pdrote V4.0 or above, some controls not function in older versions:

Complete list of changes:

-(FX) Modified to match the skin, (shift+Knobb) second parameter.

-(BROWSER KNOBB) Modified for control the different skin designs and better browser control. (shift+rotate) move in folders list, (shift+press, in folder list) open-close folders, (shift+press, in tracklist or sideview) change the control between the tracklist or the sideview, (rotate) move in track list or sideview, (press) change the different skin designs.

-(SHIFT+A-C LOAD BUTTON) In tracklist: add track to sidelist. In sideview: clear sidelist.

-(SHIFT+B-D LOAD BUTTON) In tracklist: add track to automix. In sideview: clear automix.

-(SYNC BUTTON LED) Mark BPM in real time.


-(CUE AND SAMPLER BUTTONS) 1-8 pads when pads mode is selected in the skin

-(SHIFT+LOOP HALF/LOOP DOUBLE BUTTONS) In default buttons mode: previous sampler bank/next sampler bank. In pads mode: previous pads page/next pads page.

-(SHIFT+SCRATCH “VINYL”) The smart scratch function has been replaced by slip mode.

The version without video controls also available:

djdad wrote :
Update is approved. Please next time, upload just the xml file. There is no need to zip the file.

OK, thanks