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Topic: Lighting control within VDJ

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has anyone started using the lighting tools inside vdj? I would love to know. I ordered a light box compatible with so2l and was curious.

Posted Mon 09 Jul 18 @ 2:08 pm
burnyabad wrote :
has anyone started using the lighting tools inside vdj? I would love to know. I ordered a light box compatible with so2l and was curious.

I tried but no success.



I must say, I am enjoying the hardware control using my ddj-sz

Hey everyone! I use VDJ on a Mac and I have a few DMX lights I would like to sync up to the music. Has anyone had any success with this? What DMX controllers & software could I use that will work with VirtualDJ and the Mac? Please provide some info and links to vendors if possible.

ShowXpress or SoundSwitch

Both work well on a Mac.

I downloaded and installed the latest versions of both (OSX), and have Virtual DJ showing up in ShowXpress as demonstrated on the rightside with the beat counter working. I watched the Youtube video, but it isn't clear on how to make it work.

Do you have to use the POI editor to create a show?
If I right click on a button inside ShowXpress, there is an option to trigger via DMX... Do I select the channel that the light is on?
How do you get the beat to trigger any lights?

Cool stuff, thanks in advance.

Make sure you run the latest Patch ..
You dont have to do anything else in order to control your scenes with VirtualDJ, other than using the action ..

os2l_button 'TheNameOfTheScene'

Here is a very useful Tool to pass your scenes to a Pads page or some popular multi-pads controller mapping

Note: Right-click on your Live buttons in ShowXpress and select Speed Properties->Beat

For creating a show per Track, yes you will need to use the POI Editor and the same actions as above, but for generic/manual purpose, there is no need to.

Made a WIKI page for TheLightingController (Sweetlight, ShowXPress, QuickDMX)

Hello DjDad.. :)
Thanks very much for the reply and resources.
I downloaded the V9 yesterday, and added the "fix" today.
However, I must be misunderstanding... I can't get it to work yet.
Does the button need to have multiple steps?
For example, DMX-1 in the top left (image attached) is a multi-step... the one on the right with the checkmark is a single red LED element. I am assuming as you pointed out, all I need do - is right-click on a button and change to BEAT.... (in image), then playing any song should trigger the light to flash?

Thanks again for your help. Once I get it fired up, I will have a look at your other link.


Thanks again for your response and the link... I don't wish to wear out my welcome with your time, but quickly...I am confused by the VDJ functionality.

1. Is there a difference between the OS2l button and the "regular" lighting control buttons.... the buttons I have in the image?
2. Do I need to create some kind of button/trigger with OS2l in VDJ first?
3. My current understanding is to just right-click on any existing button (image) and change the Speed Properties to BEAT and Trigger Step by Step.

If it is Speed Properties, from your lighting controller forum link - I can see I may have issues with the timing of the steps.
Again, really appreciate your time, thank you.

djdad wrote :
If the os2l button you created , triggers the Scene, then the VDJ part is OK. Not sure what you expect to happen with a single-step scene, but this may be useful

Better to open a topic in the forum and ask for details there.

* For those following this thread - this was the answer from the link above:

We suggest this setting for the required effect:
- 2 steps only in the scene
- step #1 "on" with short duration (0,2 sec for instance)
- step #2 "off" with duration 1 sec for instance (not really important because of "pause at end" option)
- speed set to 1/1 (1/4 means play 4 times the scene between 2 Beats)
And 4/1 means play the scene one time after 4 Beats.

Thanks again DjDad.

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