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Topic: VirtualDJ 2018 now available - Page: 1

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VirtualDJ 2018 is now officially the latest public version for VirtualDJ.
It has been tested for months by beta testers, and has been used already for 2 weeks by thousands of Early Access users, so it is completely stable and ready to go live.

It is a straight upgrade from VirtualDJ 8.2, and will seamlessly replace the old version, and keep using the same settings, database, plugins, etc.
(you can even reinstall VirtualDJ 8.2 over VirtualDJ 2018 in case you want to revert, though there should be little reason to do so).

Here is the list of the new features


Posted Mon 25 Jun 18 @ 12:26 pm
It's been working perfectly.

Great job Team .... Thank You!

Great work and fantastic new features.
Big thanks ;o)


1 Por favor, não grite.
kradcliffe wrote :
VideoFX > Shader > Config > Download More

Then enter the URL from the shadertoy website.



Best update update by far, cheers everyone at the Atomix development team and beta testers

Great job team. Can’t wait to take it for a spin!!

hello friends - great job - but ....WHY in last version is not possible old titler - where was possible easy with one click on off .. button in zone video effects, where was possible to set time start,end with fade,colour and size of text where was info about artist, song and "cover"picture of album?????? It was automatically information about actually running song and it was only for few seconds according to set. Now is add the field Remix - OK, but why is not possible to set up OFF, if I dont want to preview this field........ Finnaly I have to go to... setting, interface,videoskins...bla bla - during plying. There is not easy button like before in zone V. effect.

Album cover? - now is separetelly button cover -there is only set up position size, and when is cover not on full screen, around is black screen - not transparent.
Now is very not confortable and there is not all these informations......

Sorry, maybe I am stupid, if I asking for it? :)))))) Have a nice day for all friends and I am waiting for maybe little support or information Thank Youuuu

I second that... Great release with many new features but no titler with album cover and tweaks, we used this loads :-(

hi. im back .. can someone please show me how to map the new title to a button.. love it but dont need it a the time. Thanks in advance.

Just right clicking on the video preview window gives an option for on or off

That will only toggle one video skin. There are already quite a few..and in the future there will be hundreds. Some are going to be quite complicated. Combining both shader and video skin is an excellent visual effect. I would not want to use the touchpad/click or maybe a mouse when I could use a single controller button.

Why not a poi?

just where I imagine it going.

Hi's matching a videoskin to a shader (not song) which is my problem. On my current favorite the DJ in Norway perhaps has the eq and text too high along with a little to much bottom half light overlay for my liking..but this is easily changeable.

Could we use a script to specify a videoskin and shader for a song using poi? Hm ..why not?

tycoonentertainmentcanada wrote :
hi. im back .. can someone please show me how to map the new title to a button.. love it but dont need it a the time. Thanks in advance.

setting 'useVideoSkin'

Hmm ok Friends I respect new wideoskin effects, but if I compare old Tilter, now is one step back.
Its only my opinion :)
I dont know why is not possible to have old titler (was most confortable with better features) and new videoskins together.... so maybe its be all the same to...

tycoonentertainmentcanada - new title button -now - no exist you have to go everytime to settings- then inteface - then videoskins - and then the switch on or off - it is longer way with more clicks , but thats all :(

Why were the working scripts for toggling videoskins deleted?
I'm toggling two videoskins from an Akai apc mini without any problems.

This is for the default skin
setting "videoSkin" '' ? setting "videoSkin" 'for Live:live' : setting "videoSkin" ''

Note that the option "use videoskin" has to be ticked for the above script to work.

Is there something I'm missing?


bigron1 wrote :
Why were the working scripts for toggling videoskins deleted?

Because that's the wrong answer. The correct script is: ' setting "useVideoSkin" '

Why is it wrong if it works?
What is wrong?
Your script will not toggle a specific video skin..therefore yours does not appear to work as needed.

Have you got a "correct" script which will toggle a specified videoskin?
Say one of the ones from a DJ in Norway.

