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Topic: Minimalist UX 2

Posted Fri 08 Jun 18 @ 6:12 pm
dj-in-norway wrote :
Discussion about Minimalist UX 2

I like the circle wave form. Can you teach me how to edit to remove the titler display. Thanks.

Simply click "edit skin" at top right corner in the skin settings view.
Then VirtualDJ auto extracts the files, and make an open folder called (Edit) on end.
This folder has an xml file that you can open in a text editor, and should be fairly easy to see where the titles are, and remove those.

But will make a few variants of the skin, and add to it, one without titler etc. Coming up :)

How about having a big BPM display in the centre?

Thank you for creating these video skins. One of my favorite so far is "Circle Titler Black - No feat remix [light overlay]". How would I edit the .xml file to position it on the top left and adjust the size to make it slightly smaller.

Disregard, I just found out how much notepad ++ makes projects like that so much more easier. Just took some adjustments.

Yeah, the minimalist skins are meant as a bit of inspiration, as much as actual use.
Feel free to play around with the xml, adjust and position.

The xml code is very light and short in these skins, easy to learn and practice on

dj-in-norway wrote :

Simply click "edit skin" at top right corner in the skin settings view.
Then VirtualDJ auto extracts the files, and make an open folder called (Edit) on end.
This folder has an xml file that you can open in a text editor, and should be fairly easy to see where the titles are, and remove those.

But will make a few variants of the skin, and add to it, one without titler etc. Coming up :)

Thank you very much.

Discussion about Minimalist UX 2
How can I make my own backround,but steel have the circle!!!
(Thank you so much for the Video Output)

user22784500 wrote :
Discussion about Minimalist UX 2
How can I make my own backround,but steel have the circle!!!
(Thank you so much for the Video Output)

Just use Slideshow video effect (for image(s) and/or video clip(s)) or sampler...
Or use Shader video fx for visualizations


Master level does not work when selecting a song
Not level master

works here, now you've posted on 2 skins that you're not getting master output.
It probably your audio setup, does it have a master out?

I get the same issue here. The audio reactive stuff only responds when playing deck 1. When playing 2, 3 or 4 the title displayed changes but no reaction from the graphics.

I've noticed it before on similar videoskins. Sometimes the audio spectrum thingy works, sometimes it doesn't.

I think I found the problem. On variant 4 (the circle) there was no deck="master" as per the other variants.