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Topic: Script School - Page: 43.70
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Track Linking feature

A pretty big deal as far as I see, just went live in early access.
BUILD 7881 (2024-02-05)
-Related tracks option in Remixes tab in sideview, and mark_linked_tracks script to add them
In other words it's track linking. Just gone E.A. so still subject to change
Let's have a look; where it is, what it looks like, how it works.

[edit image was taken before a minor naming change, "related" is replaced with "linked" and has been edited in text below]

It lives as an option in the "Remixes" tab. If you don't see that tab click the dot in the yellow square pictured.
Then as it's an option of this tab pick it from the dot in the greenish square pictured on the tab header.
[if you want this as an independent tab, you can make it a shortcut by adding this to setting sideviewShortcuts]

[EDIT NOTE, header has changed choice between active & browser is now in the header options (the dot) ]
In the tab header we have, the track artist- title we are looking at. We also have "Deck 1" if you click that you've given 2 choices "Active Deck" or "Browser".
Active deck that just looks at whatever is considered the masterdeck at the time [and the list will update live]
Browser will just look at what is picked in browser_window songs

So how do we link tracks?
We have 3 ways. When using "Active deck" you can just drag files on to this list.
The other way is when you're in the mix the script on the custom button
that will link the tracks on decks left & right.
Third way is similar to the second way if you click the cover art on deck you'll see a link option at the bottom of the drop down menu

[edit on 2nd method]
The script allows for params like so.
mark_linked_tracks `get_loaded_song fullpath` `get_browsed_song fullpath`
mark_linked_tracks `deck 1 get_loaded_song fullpath` `deck 2 get_loaded_song fullpath`

So looking in the list itself, we have a couple of separator headers.
Any item above the separators is a track you explicitly linked to follow the track pointed at.
Any item under "Backward Links" is a track you explicitly linked than is known to go before the track pointed at.

The last separator "Secondary Links" is when it gets special.
These aren't tracks you explicitly linked, these tracks are inferred links. This is the program joining dots for you. It's not crowd consensus like geniusdj [what everybody else is doing], it's not a compatibility filter based on key+bpm [which can give varied results], it's not recommended from your play history [you repeating the same mixes].

It's like having a friend who knows your mixes, knows your library, knows your taste, making a suggestion.
You're playing "a". You explicitly said "b" follows "a" also you said "c" follows "b"; Have you considered mixing "c" with "a" ?

There's a little bit more to "Secondary Links" but it gets a little awkward to explain with all the "a" "b" "c" order. Think of it this way, it will look at direct links and backward links and then from all those songs it will pull up their direct links as secondaries.

"Secondary Links" they're not always going to be winners, but you'll start with direct links and in practice time you start checking out the suggestions, some of those will be worthy of direct linking. Which in turn will generate more secondary links that could be worth checking out.

in practice time, using compatibility filter to discover mixes and using Linking to pin down those mixes, then testing secondaries. You'll have way more productive practice and when you're live you'll have a lot more mixes to easily choose from.

Footnote; This has only just gone Early Access and is subject to change and/or further additions. So your feedback is important.
Any changes will be edited in to this post.
And probably embed the klaus video if he does one.

Edit, klaus did do a video

Posted Mon 05 Feb 24 @ 9:42 am
locodog wrote :
embed the klaus video if he does one

So.......just another video!

Keep up the good work guys :-)

Posted Mon 05 Feb 24 @ 12:12 pm
how exactly do you have to insert it?
[if you want this as an independent tab, you can make it a shortcut by adding this to setting sideviewShortcuts]

and how can you remove an incorrect title link?


Posted Mon 05 Feb 24 @ 1:42 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
You add it to the setting, in settings.

How to remove a link, exactly like how you remove from other lists, rightclick>remove

Posted Mon 05 Feb 24 @ 2:31 pm
If I connect two tracks with mark_related_Track there is a way to make the connected track that has not played, however, is automatically reproduced?

It would be useful for me to make the audio or video tracks of the same song reproduced, because obviously on one evening or sound one or the other and I confuse me not to see them as reproduced on the list.

Posted Tue 06 Feb 24 @ 1:31 pm
Newbie needing help here!

I have my Pioneer DDJ-RZ controller sync button mapped as "auto_pitch_lock & auto_match_bpm & sync" but it keeps changing my autoBPMMatch preference to "smart" when I toggle the button.

I want that preference to stay as "always" when my controller sync button is on.

What do I need to do to make that happen? šŸ˜›

Posted Sun 11 Feb 24 @ 6:01 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
looks like smart is the favoured setting of the script, you can go via the script settings autoBPMMatch always

auto_pitch_lock & ( auto_pitch_lock ? setting autoBPMMatch always : auto_match_bpm off ) & sync

Posted Sun 11 Feb 24 @ 6:16 am
That is FANTASTIC!! I just tried it and it works great. THANK-YOU!!

Posted Sun 11 Feb 24 @ 2:28 pm
Alright, another newbie question here. I've learned a lot in the last week of using VDJ but I think it's going to take a lot of time and patience to master the script stuff!

Part 1

On my controller, I have mapped the FX PANEL button like this:

browser_window 'sideview' & show_splitpanel 'sideview' 30% ? show_splitpanel 'sideview' 0% : show_splitpanel 'sideview' 30%

This means that when I click FX PANEL, it will open / close the sideview, and when I do so, it also changes the active browser zone to the sideview, highlighting the first song in whatever track list is there. Perfect!

Part 2

On my controller, the BACK button is mapped like this:

browser_window 'folders' ? browser_window 'songs' : browser_window 'folders'

The Issue

I want to change the BACK button script, if possible, so that when the sideview is open, the BACK button can be used to change the active browser zone between folders, songs, and the sideview.

Right now if the active browser zone is the sideview, and I hit BACK, it will go back to only selecting between the folders and songs browser views. The only way I can change the active browser zone to the sideview, is by clicking the FX PANEL button twice to close and reopen the sideview.

Posted Mon 12 Feb 24 @ 2:35 pm
Something like this I guess: show_splitpanel sideview ? browser_window +1 : browser_window 'folders,songs'

browser_window 'folders' ? browser_window 'songs' : browser_window 'folders' can also be written more simple as browser_window 'folders,songs'

loco edit, corrected iPhone style commas

Posted Mon 12 Feb 24 @ 2:43 pm
Thank-you! :)

Posted Mon 12 Feb 24 @ 4:35 pm
Okay... yet ANOTHER question!

I can't get the Sampler Cue (sampler_pfl) button to work on my DDJ-RZ.

I've tried mapping a few things to the button:


sampler_pfl & settings samplerHeadphones yes

toggle sampler_pfl

toggle sampler_pfl & ( sampler_pfl ? settings samplerHeadphones yes : sampler_pfl off )

I don't really know what I'm doing yet, though! ;)

Also, I can't get the filter knob below the sampler (on my DDJ-RZ) to do anything.

Posted Mon 12 Feb 24 @ 6:45 pm
sampler_pfl should receive a % value
For a button use setting samplerheadphones

For the Color FX knob use param_smaller 0.49 ? effect_active sampler filter on & effect_slider sampler 1 : param_bigger 0.51 ? effect_active sampler filter on & effect_slider sampler 1 : effect_active sampler off & effect_slider sampler 1

When DDJ-RZ was released and initailly supported, sampler did not support effects, or PFL (since it was reproducing sound out of the trigger deck at that time)

Posted Mon 12 Feb 24 @ 8:36 pm
Alright that's got it working... sort of? The sampler PFL level is WAY hotter than the pfl for any of the decks... how do I reduce it? Also, the color fx knob will only do the "filter" effect. Selecting "Jet" or "Space" or "Pitch" has no effect on what the knob does.

Posted Mon 12 Feb 24 @ 9:27 pm
Sampler does not support color effects currently.
You could script something for the knob to mimick color effect for all "possible" combinations but the script would become much more complicated. However it IS possible.

As for Sampler PFL, I believe it has to do with the fact that zerodb (headroom) has to be around -6 to -9db for DDJ-RZ. Therefore the decks are much quiter than the sampler.

Posted Tue 13 Feb 24 @ 8:11 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Sampler does not support color effects currently.
You could script something for the knob to mimick color effect for all "possible" combinations but the script would become much more complicated. However it IS possible.

As for Sampler PFL, I believe it has to do with the fact that zerodb (headroom) has to be around -6 to -9db for DDJ-RZ. Therefore the decks are much quiter than the sampler.

Okay, got it. I'm not too concerned about the color knob for the sampler.

Is there any way to script in something to lower the PFL level on the sampler? The sampler level is the same as all the decks, on the Master output; and it's the same as all the decks if I just go into the preferences menu and check off the box that sends it to the headphones. It's only when I use the CUE button with the script you suggested that it makes the sampler PFL gain significantly louder.


Posted Tue 13 Feb 24 @ 1:12 pm
Do you use external or internal audio mixer setup ?
DDJ-RZ provides both.
Software (internal) mixer is prefered, and the script I gave you should work fine for that mode.
For hardware (external) mixer mode, it indeed may sound too loud as I think it will send the sound on any deck that's not on air (but I don't remember if that's how it actually works, I'll have to test)

So please let me know your sound setup so that I can check.

Posted Tue 13 Feb 24 @ 1:24 pm
I have it set to internal mode.

Posted Tue 13 Feb 24 @ 4:37 pm
mg_1978PRO InfinityMember since 2008
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Sampler does not support color effects currently.
You could script something for the knob to mimick color effect for all "possible" combinations but the script would become much more complicated. However it IS possible.

As for Sampler PFL, I believe it has to do with the fact that zerodb (headroom) has to be around -6 to -9db for DDJ-RZ. Therefore the decks are much quiter than the sampler.

hi, there is colorfx for sampler šŸ‘ itā€™s mapped in Pioneer DDJ-RZX mapperā€¦but is there colorfx for mic input??


Posted Fri 16 Feb 24 @ 8:20 am
Oh hi, it's me again lol. I'm trying to make the encoder knob (push) and 'back' button on my DDJ-RZ do what I want them to do, but it makes my head spin trying to figure it out!

Here's how those buttons are currently mapped:

browser_window 'folders' ? browser folder

show_splitpanel sideview ? browser_window +1 : browser_window 'folders,songs'

Here's what I want to be able to do:

1. When in the folders view, BROWSE_ENC_PUSH will expand / close any folder containing subfolders (like it does now).

2. When in folders view, when a lowest level folder/playlist is highlighted, BROWSE_ENC_PUSH will switch to the songs view

3. When in the songs view, BROWSE_ENC_PUSH will switch to the splitpanel if the splitpanel is open. If it's not open, BROWSE_ENC_PUSH can either do nothing, or it can go back to the folders view, I don't mind either way.

4. When in folders view, the BACK button will switch the active screen to splitpanel view, if the splitpanel is open. If the splitpanel is NOT open, then back could either do nothing, or open/close master folders.

5. When in songs view, the BACK button will go back to folders view.

6. When in splitpanel view, the BACK button will go back to songs view.

TL;DR -- I want the BROWSE_ENC_PUSH to move things forward and the BACK button to move things backward... if that makes sense!?

Currently, the BROWSE_ENC_PUSH just opens and closes folders/subfolders, while the BACK button navigates between the various views of folders, songs, and splitpanel.

Posted Fri 16 Feb 24 @ 7:58 pm