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Topic: Pioneer DDJ-SB3 [Official Support] - Page: 2

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I tried it but i just got the following message: The fix is not required on your system

If it isn't seen in device manager then, either the usb cable is a dud or perhaps antivirus is stopping the device from installing the driver.

Finally it appears on the device manager.
The usb cable is brand new and i also tried another one.
Also i stopped the antivirus and anti-malware programs that i'm using.
But still no luck

i am using pioneer ddj sb3
and suddenly my device is not functioning properly with virtual dj software like tempo nd few other knobs are not responding accordingly when mix . volume knob doesnt work properly it stays on fix position even when i slide it up ,
please guide me

When i connect the device laptops gets hang ..if i update firmware then if i have connect back to serato

I have the same problem as a previous user, I'm trying to use 4 decks with my SB3 and even when I'm using the 4 deck layout I can't get my controller to work on decks 3 or 4. I've tried any possible controller mapping techniques I could think of but nothing works. Could someone please tell me how they got theirs to work? Thanks

hi guys.. i need help.please help me get a mapping for sb3 please

Please read the first message in the thread (or the thread title).

I connect my sb3 to the laptop the driver instilled but it shows failed to connect when I open virtual dj 2018
Please help

See if another application running at the same time which could claim the device, or another instance of VirtualDJ in Task Manager.

I have a DDJ SB3 as a backup device and tried some of the functions. FX Fade - both Backspin modes does not work. And the pad scratch feature, is that really all? Most of them sound equal.

With DJay Pro Windows the backspin FX work. Pad scratch sound also not so cool

Four decks mode works too with Djay Pro but noth with VDJ

fx850 wrote :
I have a DDJ SB3 as a backup device and tried some of the functions. FX Fade - both Backspin modes does not work. And the pad scratch feature, is that really all? Most of them sound equal.

With DJay Pro Windows the backspin FX work. Pad scratch sound also not so cool

Four decks mode works too with Djay Pro but noth with VDJ

You may want to read this http://virtualdj.com/manuals/hardware/pioneer/ddjsb3/setup.html
It will explain how all the functionality works with VDJ


I have a sb3 music is playing fine out of my computer but I can’t hear anything out of the
master output just the headphones can someone help me

Does you audio config set like this?

i just go my pioneer ddi sb3 and i can't figure out how to setup my controller to work with virtual dj i already updated it and bought a license for virtual dj but it doesn't work

locodog wrote :
Does you audio config set like this?

/Users/90307887/Desktop/Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 7.58.49 PM.png
/Users/90307887/Desktop/Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 7.58.40 PM.png
no mine doesn't look like that this is what i have

When you start VDJ it should automatically detect the SB3 and ask if you want to use the audio interface.

Did that not happen?

If it didn't (or you ignored it) then simply set up the audio config as shown. There should also be a large 'SB3' button (as shown in the pic) that you can click, which will set the audio up correctly.

Gunite6390 wrote :
does the the Virtual dj also support the FX Fade feature that pioneer promotes with the mixer? or is that a serato feature




I have a problem with the SB3.
When I turn the Trim to the maximum, the sound level fluctuates during playback.
Tested on FX1 and 2, tested after reboot .. same thing..

For your information, I'm using the last version VDJ PRO on MAC OS X Catalina

I'v tested on SERATO and no problem ... All is working fine.

Any Ideas ?

Thank you
