I've been out of the loop for a few years. I had a Hercules RMX controller and could not grasp easy mixing. (I'm old school with vinyl). Has anyone found an easier or better controller lately for mixing say house/progressive/disco music?
Posted Mon 04 Sep 17 @ 1:28 pm
DJ Doc Z wrote :
I've been out of the loop for a few years. I had a Hercules RMX controller and could not grasp easy mixing. (I'm old school with vinyl). Has anyone found an easier or better controller lately for mixing say house/progressive/disco music?
there is no "easier" "best" controller out there... reason being all us DJ's have different needs & we dont know your need... as in do u need spinning platters ? static platters only ? dual mics ? a bunch of buttons & effects ? im also an old school dj started in 1983 on TT then i went to Numark NS7 (because of spinning platters) but as i got old i dont want to carry heavy ass stuff like the NS7 so now i take out my LiL compact Denon Mc4000 which has everything a Mobile DJ needs... so you not going to get a "best" answer your only going to get what certain DJ's like because of their needs :-)
Posted Mon 04 Sep 17 @ 4:12 pm
DJ Doc Z wrote :
I had a Hercules RMX controller and could not grasp easy mixing
What do you think was the problem with the RMX that made it hard for you to use?
Have you tried any others? That's really what you need to do, I think. Get hands on with a few different controllers and see which ones you prefer.
What's your budget? That could be a limiting factor here. The better controllers are generally more expensive.
I use a Pioneer DDJ-SX2 and a DDJ-RZ. The RZ has "full size" jog wheels like a CDJ-2000, and their amount of "spin" can be adjusted (loose or tight).
Posted Mon 04 Sep 17 @ 4:56 pm
I understand that every dj needs something to fit their needs. I have no needs other than trying to get a good mix, lol. The spinning platters would be nice but like mentioned; they are too heavy for us older guys. The digital vinyl was the best but again too heavy and too many wires; and to walk into a club and switch wires around does not work. It's a shame I missed the dj convention in AC. I should have went and played around with diff models.
Posted Thu 14 Sep 17 @ 11:20 am