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Topic: The Thing - Page: 1

Posted Mon 20 Jun 16 @ 6:09 pm
Thanks estimated was waiting when the editor picks will be included to work with pad modes , greetings .


OK, there was a bug with the visibility set on pad-panels. Sorry for that.
Uploaded a fix; waiting for approve...

Big thanks ad the admins for the quick approve.
Hope this thing works now ;o)
Please download again...

I gotta say, this skin is pure Genius... Thanks so much. I Love It!

Nice to hear this ;o)

Hallo, i have a problem with the display "the thing-skin 1.0a"...i hope y can help me!

Hi Pfiffi,
VirtualDJ 8.2 ?
What controller do you use?
Factory default mapping?


I have VirtualDJ 8.1 b2857 PC und i take no controller and Factory default mapping.
if i take the skin "The Thingthethingddjsp1" -2015 - i have no problems

pfiffi wrote :
I have VirtualDJ 8.1 b2857 PC

That's the problem. This skin is for VDJ 8.2.
If you want to use it, you got to update VDJ.


leider habe ich noch immer ein Problem mit den Pads.
Ich kann diese über den Controller nicht wechseln.
Denke ich bleibe erst mal bei Deinem alten Skin ... muss am WE wieder auflegen.
Gruß Lokke


Hello I encounter a display problem with the reset button BPM.
the button does not appear
i have VirtualDJ 8.2-3278.
Can you help me.
thank You

Please choose the pitch-reset-speed one time from the skin-options right corner.

music234 wrote :
Please choose the pitch-reset-speed one time from the skin-options right corner.

it's ok, thank you


NP ;o)

Hi, I really like this Skin but I can't use it because, I use only 2 decks, I use a Vestax 380, I load my tracks by pressing the Tab button which is 'browser_enter' after i use this for the 3rd time your skin loads up Deck 3 (green) as I'm using the 2 Deck option, I'm unable to proceed and I have to go back to the default skin, can you get a fix for this?

There are a couple of solutions. You could modify a line in the skin XML so that VDJ treats it as a two deck skin, or you could change the script on the 'tab' button to be smarter. Instead of using browser_enter it could specifically state only to load to either deck 1 or deck 2.

I'll leave it to someone skilled in scripts to provide the actual string :-)

Is it just me or is there no "play" "cue" "stop" buttons on decks 3 and 4 in 4 deck mode? Otherwise it's a brilliant skin

What is your setup/controller?
Thanks for givin' the thing a try.
Well, I'm doing a complete rescan of my music-files via Platinum notes, so I'm not able to to help at this time until this job is done. It will take about 2 more days, I guess.
I will come back as soon as possible.
