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Forum: Addons

Topic: KeyModPlay

Posted Thu 09 Jun 16 @ 12:53 pm
hello my friend. could you please explain how it works? thanks

και μολις ειδα οτι εισαι Ελληνας.

Yes, I'm Greek!

Back to the subject:
Once you activate this pad mode you have 3 key banks.
The default bank is the "middle" one and it allows both higher and lower keys.
The white pad will play the current hotcue without any key modification (original key)
The other pads will play the current hotcue with an altered key. You can see how much semitones up or down (compared on the origianl key) each pad will play on your screen.
You can use the parameters buttons (on screen or on your controller) to switch between banks.
The "Upper" bank will make key modification on the plus area (higher key) while the "Lower" bank will make key modifications on the minus (negative) area (lower key than the original)

If you want to select another hotcue to use the effect on, hold SHIFT and press the pad corresponding to the hotcue you want. The track won't jump to the new hotcue. It will only memorize it. It will jump to the hotcue when you release SHIFT and use one of the pads.


like the idea, disappointed I didn't think of it myself.

Where does the FX install ?
I cannot locate it.

On your pads (You need VirtualDj 8.2)

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Yes, I'm Greek!

Back to the subject:
Once you activate this pad mode you have 3 key banks.
The default bank is the "middle" one and it allows both higher and lower keys.
The white pad will play the current hotcue without any key modification (original key)
The other pads will play the current hotcue with an altered key. You can see how much semitones up or down (compared on the origianl key) each pad will play on your screen.
You can use the parameters buttons (on screen or on your controller) to switch between banks.
The "Upper" bank will make key modification on the plus area (higher key) while the "Lower" bank will make key modifications on the minus (negative) area (lower key than the original)

If you want to select another hotcue to use the effect on, hold SHIFT and press the pad corresponding to the hotcue you want. The track won't jump to the new hotcue. It will only memorize it. It will jump to the hotcue when you release SHIFT and use one of the pads.

Phantom!!! You are the man!!! I almost purchased Serato Video for the Pitch In Time Feature because I use video at all of my events. Now I have no need. I will be purchasing a full license of Virtual DJ. Should have a long time ago. I've bee subscribing since a couple months after the release. (I forgot). Thank you and everyone who works so hard on this Virtual DJ 8 Project. Awesome software.

Nice plugin!!!

Can you use this without a controller? If so how? I do have 8.2, I was trying to play with it on my desktop (where I try everything out first)


I installed it on my main laptop and tried to make it work with my controller. it does have pads... I still don't see how to make it work. Am I missing something?

hi. is there a way using shift to set a new hotcue on the fly? Currently I think you have to set a hotcue in hotcues bank. then change pads to keymodplay then hit shift to choose that hotcue. Is there a way to map so when you press shift it creates a cue on the fly without exiting. Also I see you can change the leds to be different colours for lower and higher keys, is that possible to incorporate into here? thanks

shiftpad 1; originally

hot_cue 1 ? cue_select 1 : nothing

change to

holding ? delete_cue 1 : hot_cue 1 ? cue_select 1 : hot_cue 1

do that for all 8 shiftpads

colours are possible to do yourself

If a song is in the middle of the track playing by clicking on any of the Pads the song starts again from the beginning. Can you get the song to continue playing from where you are when you press any of those pad?

So you just want to change key?

I'm not sure you get what this pad page is about,
the idea is the normal pads call the current cue at a certain key, shiftpads pick which cue is the current cue

this is sort of the idea the current cue becomes a sample that can be shifted semitones

"I'm not sure you get what this pad page is about" agree sir.

Anyhow the "keycue" pressing the param does what I was asking.

The one function that was missing, so thanks for bringing it to virtual dj.

As newby I have no clue as where to start.
How do I activate KeyModPlay (after install)?
How do I select a cue point as "base"?

Thanks in advance for help guys.
