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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: Automix at a set time in the song - Page: 1

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I work in Gentlemens Clubs and need a automatic timer for the Automix feature. (Automatically crossfade to the next song at a set song length....3 minutes, 3minutes 15 seconds, 4 minutes etc (or full song length (whichever comes first)

In Virtual DJ 7 we had the "Watchdog" plugin in the download section (Window's Only)
I now have a double strike, I am using VDJ 8 and sometimes on a MAC computer

Could someone please bring this feature back for VDJ 8 (Windows and MAC)..time is money in the dance rooms and 4-8 minute songs won't cut it :)

Posted Tue 23 Feb 16 @ 6:10 pm
You can manually do this by opening the automix editor and setting all your tracks to fade at 2:50/3 minute mark.

It'll suck because you can only do this 1:1 but it can be done on both mac and PC.

You could use the repeat commands for this now, something like this:

var $doAutomix ? on & set $doAutomix 0 & repeat_stop 'doAutomix' : off & set $doAutomix & repeat_start 'doAutomix' 10000ms & automix_skip

Replace 10000ms with the time you want.

Assign that to a custom button and you'll be able to toggle it on and off at will.

beatbreaker1 wrote :
You can manually do this by opening the automix editor and setting all your tracks to fade at 2:50/3 minute mark.

It'll suck because you can only do this 1:1 but it can be done on both mac and PC.

If you would do editing on each song it would be much easier to use the POI editor and move all the automix end points to the 3 minute mark.
Still a lot of work though, especially if you may need different end times, so the timer script would be more convenient.

I think there's a small bug in that script though since it doesn't check the song length it would skip to the next song incorrectly if songs shorter than the automatic duration are added to the list.

SBDJ - Can you give me a little better (more detailed) version of what you are saying...I don't know how to do that. I understand the 10000ms and the custom button part but I don't understand the rest. (below)

****You could use the repeat commands for this now, something like this:

var $doAutomix ? on & set $doAutomix 0 & repeat_stop 'doAutomix' : off & set $doAutomix & repeat_start 'doAutomix' 10000ms & automix_skip

Replace 10000ms with the time you want.

Assign that to a custom button and you'll be able to toggle it on and off at will.

1. Click on an empty custom button
2. Paste the code in bold on the action field
var '$doAutomix' ? on & set '$doAutomix' 0 & repeat_stop 'doAutomix' : off & set '$doAutomix' & repeat_start 'doAutomix' 10000ms & automix_skip
3. Close the custom button editor
4. Click on the button to toggle automatic auto mix skip

SBDJ wrote :
var $doAutomix ? on & set $doAutomix 0 & repeat_stop 'doAutomix' : off & set $doAutomix & repeat_start 'doAutomix' 10000ms & automix_skip

Adion wrote :
I think there's a small bug in that script though since it doesn't check the song length it would skip to the next song incorrectly if songs shorter than the automatic duration are added to the list.

a bit hazy with how you'd query the song length [would you post an example]

i think this should solve the problem another way.

var $doAutomix ? on & set $doAutomix 0 & repeat_stop 'doAutomix' & repeat_stop 'pulseChecker' : off & set $doAutomix & repeat_start 'pulseChecker' 33ms & load_pulse ? nothing : repeat_stop 'doAutomix' & repeat_start 'doAutomix' 10000ms & automix_skip


I'd use a longer time than 10000ms though; if you're looking for 3 minutes then 180000ms.

As Adion says above there are some issues with this - if you add a song shorter than the delay you will run into issues (since it will skip early during the next track) and if you have too short a delay (ie shorter than the mix takes) then you may also run into issues.

As locodog shows above there may be ways to work around some of these issues :)

Ok since staff haven't said my addition is terrible, let's turn the example into a full solution.

What time lengths do you need? please state all of them.

2:30, 2:45, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, full song

I don't know what to do with the code you are posting

Sounds like you need some sort of radio automation software. VDJ is more tailored for actually working live as a DJ.

I'm sure there's probably a solution for you somewhere.

As i stated there IS a plugin for VJD 7 named "Watchdog" and it worked matter the song length or the time the automix was set to switch at.

So will one of the above steps work and if so which one or will I have problems?

Hang fire, I'll write up a full pictured method.

I don't need it to that extent just a little more guidance. I tried the above script on a custom button and it didn't work.

what type of automix do you use one deck or 2 deck/

actually i've spotted a mistake, i'm sure i tested this but i've thought about it a bit more so here's a rewrite
on the first custom button add this

for single deck automix [ i may tackle dualdeck later if requested]

var '$doAutomix' ? on & set '$doAutomix' 0 & repeat_stop 'doAutomix' & repeat_stop 'timeChecker' : off & set $doAutomix & repeat_start 'timeChecker' 100ms & var_equal '$duration' 1 ? deck 1 get_time 'elapsed' & param_bigger 150000 ? automix_skip : nothing : var_equal '$duration' 2 ? deck 1 get_time 'elapsed' & param_bigger 165000 ? automix_skip : nothing : var_equal '$duration' 3 ? deck 1 get_time 'elapsed' & param_bigger 180000 ? automix_skip : nothing : var_equal '$duration' 4 ? deck 1 get_time 'elapsed' & param_bigger 210000 ? automix_skip : nothing : var_equal '$duration' 5 ? deck 1 get_time 'elapsed' & param_bigger 240000 ? automix_skip : nothing : nothing

on the second custom button add these as separate entries

2:30............. set '$duration' 1
2:45............. set '$duration' 2
3:00............. set '$duration' 3
3:30............. set '$duration' 4
4:00............. set '$duration' 5
full song....... set '$duration' 0

the first button actually does the work the second button gives you the option to pick one of your wished durations,
if you want further explanation or expansion just ask

Further point ,the above isn't yet perfect, I think by mashing the two previous scripts there is a perfect solution, a day or so and I'll be back with a script.

The hard bit isn't writing script, it's getting the logic perfect, on this occasion I forgot about the time skipped by am points,

A perfect solution is never easy.

Ldog - I just noticed this thread and I have been working on a script to do something
similar. In fact, you helped me last year to write a FADE and RESTART script and we
uncovered a bug in automix which wouldn't start the next song in line. (the bug was
ultimately fixed by the staff).

Am I missing something? ... could it be easier to write this script with only one adjustable
song length variable which data could be entered initially from the keyboard, instead of
querying multiple fixed possibilities? I could see where the possibility of the original song
length being less than the variable value could confuse the issue and maybe that is where
the complexity arises.

I have chosen to solve this type of song "fade and restart the next song" differently. I use
the FADE and RESTART script you helped me with, and I insert it as an "ACTION" point MACRO
in the POI editor at the spot I want. Maybe your solution could be easier or more efficient overall.

I know there are other DJ's who would appreciate a solution to this type of issue.

I've just created a plugin here as a test that will when active will cause automix to occur automatically after a configurable period of time. It also compensates for the mix length and songs that are shorter than your predefined automix period and any manual changes/skips you do too.


Where is this plugin you speak of?
