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Topic: VDJ 8 and El Capitan - Page: 1

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Before anyone asks, I'll answer this... Yes, VDJ8 runs on El Capitan. However at the moment, El Capitan doesn't run so well itself, so it's best to play if you want, but nothing production here yet folks...

Posted Mon 08 Jun 15 @ 3:16 pm
Literally came on here to ask this as I'll be upgrading ASAP. Best to leave it till after the weekend then & get my gigs out of the way before jumping ship!

'El Capitan' is very early at this stage. It runs fairly well, however there's random kernel exceptions that happen from time to time, which put the machine in an odd state until you reboot.

What I would suggest is you wait until the public beta in 4 weeks before giving this a try. (There will be likely another release to two in the middle to the dev beta group.) - The public beta will still be rough around the edges, but should be moderately stable.

I tried it out on my test machine but my Dynacord usb driver isn't compatible yet.

There's a number of device drivers which are not compatible yet. (A few Pioneer devices can be problematic.)

Do we know if version 7.2.4 will run on El Capitan?

Haven't tested it. I no longer use 7.x, and don't have it installed. (I've been 8.x only for about a year now.)

Practicing half a day now on MBpro with OSX El Capitan version 10.11 bèta (15A234d) and VDJ version 2369.1042
No video, only sound.
Everything goes very well.

There was a new Beta update a couple of days ago which has fixed a lot of 'under the hood' stability and performance issues, if you haven't upgraded to the new update yet I suggest you do ASAP.

But yeh.. as above.. probably best to stick to Yosemite for any sort of production stuff.

just to inform: VDJ8 2398.1050 and El Capitain 10.11 bèta 15A243d (version 3) with Itunes (today's update) are still very good friends and like to work together.

c est pas stable sur mon macbook pro avec el capitain il a redémarré 2 x alors j ai réinstallé yosemite et tout refonctionne avec ma ddj-sx2 bonne soirée

I reverted back to Yosemite as Virtual DJ 8 was saying under El Capitan that the sound card Newmark Mixtrack Pro could not be seen it also couldn't see my Apogee Mic which it can under Yosemite so i have reverted back for now

Your mileage will definitely vary. Many sound devices need a 'helper' and if this helper application is not yet compatible with El Capitan, then you will have problems. (My DJM750 mixer is still not supported due to such a driver.)

Ciao El Capitan, I bought Orbit Numark and I casually found the Submode to use effex. I would like to Know what I did).
I Using default Mapping preset now.

I know Effex are in the PAD BANK 3 but it's a submode. The normal mode is hot cue mode.
I have the same problem for the PAD bank 4. The normal mode is sampler mode and the submode is the second part of sampler (kick, snare, etc...)


El Capitan
Video & MP3

No Problems !!!

Anyone having that problem where you can't access your iTunes Library Folder Playlist? I used to be able to when i was running the PRO trial version. Is this because I am running the LE version?

just reporting that El Capitan and VJ8 with Denon MC6000 (first version) working perfectly. ( I did have to advance to build 2522 beta to get rid of a video problem)



i have vdi 7 pro and updated to el captain
got to a gig friday and was left humiliated as the numark mix deck would NOT read device !!!!!!


i have tried to update drivers and there is no update ?


Deejay Jodee wrote :


This is NOT a problem with VDJ. It's actually with the hardware manufacturer of your controller. _They_ need to provide you the driver.

Here's why without getting too technical:

In El Capitan, Apple disabled (blocked off) a key opening within the Mac OS, which allows applications to get definitive root on the machine. Apple finally deemed this a big enough security risk, that they not only locked the door, but also bolted it shut forcing the manufacturers to re-write key portions of their drivers.

This unfortunately takes time (dev, test, etc.)...

Since there's no definitive timeline (Pioneer has publicly stated that they will release when they are ready, along with a number of other manufacturers), if you need functionality immediately, you will need to revert back to Yosemite or Mavericks.

Good luck!

is virtual DJ working will with the update for mac software
