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Topic: syphonserver8 - Page: 1
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006

Posted Thu 31 Jul 14 @ 7:50 pm
downloaded and installed, can't see what its supposed to do?

Posted Sat 09 Aug 14 @ 11:43 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It enables syphon output from Virtual DJ.

Posted Mon 11 Aug 14 @ 6:56 am
cmc81784PRO SubscriberMember since 2011
I'm still unsure of exactly what this is suppose to do.

Posted Fri 22 Aug 14 @ 5:37 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
SBDJ wrote :
It enables syphon output from Virtual DJ.


Posted Fri 22 Aug 14 @ 10:29 pm
Syphon is a interface used in between Software on MAC to exchange audio/video material and reuse it in different Software like Resolume or any other VJ Software with Syphon link.

Greets, Heiko

Posted Sat 23 Aug 14 @ 4:09 pm
cmc81784PRO SubscriberMember since 2011
Thank you

Posted Mon 25 Aug 14 @ 3:11 pm
I just purchased vdj8, great program, but I have a little problem. I will use vdj for videos. Through syphon to grandvj or mapiolite 2. I have a 2013 macbook pro retina 13 inch and I use 2 projectors wit a dualhead2go. I see that when i use 1 projector and go fullscreen with vdi (no syphon), I get a great quality, but when I go with 2 projectors and syphon the quality is not so good. I've had the same issue with mix emergency and that could be solved by using advanced output and force the quality to the desired resolution output ( 1280x800 or 2560x 800). Do you have a solution for me?

Posted Sun 14 Dec 14 @ 7:25 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Yes, the video output resolution is determined by the video window size.

Make the video window bigger, even if you close it :)

Posted Sun 14 Dec 14 @ 8:29 pm
Thank you!, It worked. I als have to enable zoom and all works flawless!


Posted Sun 21 Dec 14 @ 5:17 pm
I've got the effect loaded in VDJ8, activated it, I open up GrandVJ but I don't see anything under the quartz sources area. Is there something I missed or a step that wasn't done correctly? I think I'm one step away to making it work, just not sure what it is. Can you give me some guidance?


Posted Mon 16 Feb 15 @ 6:47 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Yes, it's a syphon source, not a quartz source ;)

Posted Tue 17 Feb 15 @ 8:11 am
I'm having issues getting grandVJ to work, is there any way we could have a private dialog to see what I"m doing wrong? I"m a windows guy primarily so getting this to work has been a problematic. Please let me know? Thanks, Chris

Posted Tue 17 Feb 15 @ 8:57 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
As far as I'm aware GrandVJ's built in Syphon support is output only, so wouldn't work with the server plugin as that's also Syphon output.

Your best bet would be to use the QC Syphon patch, and then connect VDJ to that.

Posted Wed 18 Feb 15 @ 4:15 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006

Posted Fri 20 Feb 15 @ 8:28 pm
Thank you for the help, Jason has also been helping me with a lot of things, thank you both for your time and efforts.

Posted Mon 23 Feb 15 @ 9:45 am
Tanks for these information,,,,

Posted Sun 15 Mar 15 @ 3:35 pm
SBDJ wrote :
Yes, the video output resolution is determined by the video window size.

Make the video window bigger, even if you close it :)

I know this is an old post but I seems to have the same problem with VDJ through Syphon out to GrandVJ.

On VDJ8, do you mean to leave the VDJ8's video output windows in its largest size? I don't see an option to force resolution via VDJ8 Option -> Video.

Thanks in advance for your help?

Posted Sat 16 Jan 16 @ 6:25 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Exactly that, resize the video window to the output resolution you require.

Posted Sat 16 Jan 16 @ 8:22 pm
katraxxHome userMember since 2015
Hi Scott, I had tried out the plug in a while back for spout to send VdJ to resolume, and you hooked me up with the plug in, do you have a demo of the sever for mac to send vdj to resolume? Thanks!

Posted Sun 20 Mar 16 @ 3:54 am