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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: VDJ 8 karaoke video

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Hello my karaoke main video seems to be stuck on the VDJ8 logo picture, the karaoke songs play and the videos for the decks show in the small preview screens but the main output will not show the videos. Deck A the graphics will play but in Deck B no dice. What am I missing? I'm sure its something easy I dont see :)

Posted Fri 23 May 14 @ 10:13 am
The oddest thing just happened out of the blue same songs tried it again and now it works....something weird here...i never adjusted anything just replayed the same songs again....this isnt the first time its happened though its been bugging me for a couple days....without rhym or reason VDJ 8 will do this?

Alright here is what I have figured order for the karaoke video on Deck B to play in the main video output Deck A also has to be playing something? odd I think.

OK my I suggest you try this.... make sure all decks are unloaded.
Step 1. Load audio files into the auto play
Step 2. Load karaoke files into karaoke list..... next....
Step 3. Click the icon top left of karaoke tab.....this should start your auto list
Step 4. Press play on deck 2.... this should auto load and commence the karaoke playing and stop the auto list the background
Step 5. The karaoke track plays out, abd the auto list should play the next track the list....
Step 6. Press play on deck 2 again karaoke track should load and play and stop auto mix.
This works for me ..... I think that's it from memory.

The Video for Deck B still does not come through on main output screen when I done as you suggested.



However when I play a karaoke track on Deck A then fade to Deck B and press play on a karaoke track the main video output for Deck B will show up!

Are you manually loading the tracks into deck B or is the Karaoke Automixer loading them?

Looks to be like you are loading them and Karaoke is running from deck A.

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